Selling and Buying Things on EBay

Ebay has been around for years now, and is known with its huge reputation as the worlds largest online bidding site ever. People can buy and sell tangable items on listings to people world-wide or even locally. This particular auction website has been around for a while now, and has been very successful all over the world. Ebay has been appearing in magazines, newspaper articles, and on the news with many horrific stories about people trying to sell their kidney on ebay, to success stories about how an elderly lady cleaned out her attic one day, and made a million dollars selling all the old junk on eBay!
Ebay was new to me a few years ago, but I created an account with the company on my 18th birthday. I was able to buy things, but I was also interested in selling things as well. I researched it, and found that the only things that eBay wants while you are selling, is a small compensation of about 2% your total value that you are selling your item at, along with a listing fee of 20 cents to a dollar per item. This amazed me at how much I could now use the internet for. I started out small by selling some old pokemon cards that I no longer enjoyed or used. They sold in 7 days for a dollar. Afterwhich, I started really selling things and haven’t stopped. The last thing I sold on eBay to date is my Escort Passport Radar/Laser Detector for a whopping $257.
There are many ways that eBay allows it’s buyers to pay: Money order, check, PayPal, or even pickup. But the easiest way to transact money to compensate for the item just won is PayPal. Everyone uses PayPal, America’s number one monetary transaction site. It links to your bank account and credit cards so you can transfer money from your bank to your account, transfer from your account to another’s, or even pay someone by credit card over the internet through simple and easy methods! PayPal and eBay both hooked up together to be able to make it easier for both thier customers to help out with the transactions. This made eBay a lot easier to use along with PayPal getting more endorsements. PayPal has been known to be very secure about their site, just as banks are with online banking so there is little to no worry about money getting lost in the system. PayPal even keeps records so you can see the last transactions that applied.
Now eBay has helped me out so much when I needed to sell things and fast. This included books that I no longer used or liked to read, and old playing cards that were just taking up space. Craigslist was there to help, but not many people in my area really wanted to come all the way out to my city to pick them up. Lucky for everone in the world, there is eBay! I was able to sell the things fast and even expidite the shipping and selling time through eBay’s faster selling features such as eBay Turbo. They have also linked up with the Post Office and UPS to produce a link for sellers to ship their things easier by just printing out shipping labels from their home computer system, so there is no need to even leave the house to ship items!
I’ve made a lot of money on eBay, along with having bought many items for business and pleasure such as my Playstation Portable. I still love using eBay and it will continue to grow with it’s many features and listings. It is easy to use, and highly recommended to anyone wanting to sell old junk, or even information! Without eBay, I would have to keep hosting garage sales every other week with all this new stuff I don’t need. Not to mention it would be dissappointing for someone to come to the garage sale and only see a few items out on the driveway. Ebay has also helped me when starting my own business. Selling items retail online was a great idea to earn some extra money. Also putting it in bulk and selling them wholesale on there for someone else to try to sell is a great way to earn extra cash on the side. Of course, you would need to transfer the money from your PayPal account over to your bank first before it turns into cash.