Senior travel FAQ

Can I reserve a seat assignment?
Airlines offer reserved seat selection on most flights prior to departure. Boarding pass issuance is restricted to the day of the flight. You may request window or aisle seating on the search form, or special seating arrangements can be entered in the comments field on the reservation form.
How do I request special meals or other accommodations?
Please enter special requests in the comments field on the reservation form and select the option to have a live agent complete your request.
Can seniors receive a discount?
Most airlines allow senior discounts of 10% for each senior and one traveling companion. The traveling companion must travel on the exact same itinerary as the senior passenger. Please note this in the comments field and select the option to have a live agent complete your request.
What are the restrictions on last-minute bookings?
To help protect your credit card from fraudulent activity, we take extra time to verify passenger information. Therefore, reservations must be made at least 24 hours prior to departure (Central Daylight Time). If the airline you have selected requires paper tickets you will be notified of delivery options. Naturally if you require paper tickets, time must be allowed for delivery of the tickets from our US location.
Ticketing What is an eticket?
An eticket, or electronic ticket, represents your reservation for a flight, but is not in a paper format. You will be supplied a confirmation number as your proof of purchase. You will not receive a paper ticket. With an eticket, your name and flight details will be in the airline’s computer. An eticket is NOT a boarding pass. You will still have to check-in to receive your boarding pass.
PLEASE NOTE: New regulations require you to present a printed receipt of your e-ticket purchase in order to receive a boarding pass. Please be certain to print your confirmation details page or your confirmation email and bring it with you to the airport. Failure to do so will result in your inability to board your flight.
Can I receive a paper ticket?
Airlines charge fees for paper tickets issued when electronic ticketing is available. Therefore, we issue all tickets electronically unless a paper ticket is required by the airline. When required, paper tickets do not have additional fees other than shipping charges.
Are taxes included in the price of my fare?
The price of the tickets includes taxes and fees which are imposed on air transportation by government authorities. Taxes and fees, which may represent a significant portion of the cost of air travel are either included in the fare or shown separately in the “TAX” box(es) of the ticket(s).
What are the fees for changing my ticket?
Some major airline carriers, including but not limited to, US Airways, American and Delta, have changed their exchange policies for non-refundable tickets. Changes to tickets prior to departure date may result in large change fees plus additional applicable charges. On your departure date, the airline may charge additional fees for stand-by passengers. After departure, your ticket may have no residual value.
What is a back to back ticket?
When coupons from two or more tickets are issued at round trip fares for the purpose of circumventing restrictions. Airlines and travel agents are prohibited from issuing such tickets. Each airline reserves the right to deny transportation to passengers found using tickets in this manner. Travelers will be responsible for the difference between the fare paid and the fare of the actual itinerary.
Should I still check-in?
If you have reserved a seat assignment, you must still check-in. Reserved seats are subject to cancellation if not claimed at least 30 minutes prior to scheduled departure time (45 minutes for non-US and overseas flights).
What is required when I check-in?
ALL ticketed passengers must show a government issued photo identification at check-in. Children must have a parent present at check-in. Tickets, or eticket reservations must be in each passenger’s name as it appears on the photo identification.
What is required with non-US travel?
An international trip may require valid travel documents such as, but not limited to:
- passport
- visa
- re-entry permit
- health certificate
- inoculation record
- a ticket for the return journey or continuance of your trip
or ANY combination thereof. Interactive Affiliate Network is NOT responsible for your travel documents. You are responsible for acquiring the proper documentation. Concerns about the required travel documents may be resolved by contacting the appropriate consulate, embassy, or government agency. What is a schedule change?
Schedule changes are made by the airline when it changes flight times or numbers at its discretion. If known about in advance, Interactive Affiliate Network will send changes to you prior to your flight. Often schedule changes are unexpected and at the last minute. You may want to call the airline 24 hours prior to your departure time to check your flight schedule.
What are the luggage limitations?
In general, you are allowed two items of checked baggage per person and one personal and one carry-on item. Luggage requirements can vary by airline and may change due to security or other regulations. Airlines reserve the right to assess an additional charge at the time of check in for three or more pieces of luggage and/or for non-standard luggage.
Can I fly stand-by?
Stand-by availability is at the discretion of the airline. Additionally, some airlines may charge fees for flying stand-by on the same day as your departure.
Traveling with Children
What services are offered for children traveling alone? Tickets for children under the age of 14 who are travelling alone are not bookable on this site. In general, minors under the age of 18, traveling alone, may be subject to unaccompanied minor fees as determined by the selected airline. Many airlines provide or require all unaccompanied children to be escorted from point of check-in to the airplane where the child is placed in the care of a flight attendant. This service, called unaccompanied minor service, may result in a fee of $30 or more per flight segment. A parent MUST be present at check-in when a child is traveling alone. Some airlines prohibit children traveling alone from flying on the last connecting flight of the day. Please contact the airline directly to determine what requirements and fees are involved.
Do I have to pay full fare for an infant?
An infant is a child under two years of age not occupying a seat. Once children reach their second birthday, they must be seated in an approved seat. One infant is permitted to travel free on US domestic flights for each passenger paying adult fare who is at least 12 years of age. Each additional child under 2 years of age accompanying the same adult passenger will pay the applicable accompanied child’s fare whether they are occupying a seat or not.
What are International travel restrictions for children?
For non-US travel, an infant pays 10 percent of the applicable adult fare. All infants must have a ticket to travel. Children ages 2-11 years of age receive a discounted fare decided by the airline. Passengers 16 years of age or younger MUST be accompanied by an adult.
What is the Interactive Affiliate Network Refund Policy? Interactive Affiliate Network strives to provide the best service possible and will work on behalf of our clients to rectify any regrettable circumstances pertaining to your reservation. However, Interactive Affiliate Network acts only as an independent agent to secure services of an air carrier, car rental supplier, hotel, or other travel related supplier. Therefore, we have no control over personnel, equipment, or operations of these suppliers and shall not be held liable for any inconvenience, personal injury, property damage, or other loss incurred as a result of any wrongful acts, omissions, or default on the part of the suppliers. All grievances must be reported with any and all supporting documentation to Interactive Affiliate Network within 60 days of the mailing of the first credit card statement showing any discrepancies for billing and payment issues or within 60 days after the completion of travel services provided.
What happens if after I purchase my ticket the airline goes bankrupt before I travel?
If you have purchased a ticket on a US airline that ceases operations, you may be able to stand-by for a flight on another US airline. Section 145 of the US Aviation and Transportation Security Act “requires, at a minimum, that passengers holding valid confirmed tickets, whether paper or electronic, of the insolvent or bankrupt carrier must be transported by other carriers who operate on the route for which the passenger is ticketed on a space-available basis on the date of travel shown on the ticket or other documentation demonstrating e-ticketing, without significant additional charges.” The amount of additional charges are at the discretion of the accommodating airline. This provision applies only on US airlines if you make “alternative arrangement within 60 days after the date on which that passenger’s air transportation was suspended,interrupted, or discontinued (without regard to the originally scheduled travel date on the ticket).” Non-US airlines are not required to comply with the above.
Do I need a visa to enter the country I am visiting or traveling through?
Every country has its own laws regarding entrance by non-citizens. Please check the specific laws governing the country you are visiting. It is your sole responsibility to obtain all necessary documentation prior to your departure. Regardless of the ticket you purchase, applicable immigration laws apply. Please note that a new United States regulation is in enforcement that requires citizens from some countries to obtain a visa if their flight is stopping over in the US, even if the US is not the final destination .
In addition, citizens from waiver-countries visiting the US, should be aware that per the US Department of State, “Starting October 26, 2004, travelers entering the United States under the Visa Waiver Program must have a machine-readable passport. Any traveler without a machine-readable passport will be required to obtain a visa before coming to the United States.” For more information on US visa regulations visit .
Please check all appropriate laws for the the country you are visiting