September 11th

September 11, 2001 served as an eye opener for many US citizens into the world of terrorism. When we saw and heard about our buildings, our friends, or neighbors, gone, it came aware to us, the impact that terrorism has on the whole world. The never-ending struggle for power has lasted centuries in our past and it still evident in today’s world. Words such as terrorism, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and Muslim extremist were the onset of our minds in countless news articles and TV programs. War used to only be a term that this generation saw in their history books. Now war has become the topic of conversation in many genres across the media and entertainment circuit for teenagers. The United States has a refined role with the War on Terror after the events on September 11th.

“This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.” -President Bush. President Bush’s statement best describes the pulling of our country together to make it through the events that so suddenly struck upon our nation. September 11th started out as a normal morning for most, but by mid-morning the world was in a stance of disbelief, anger, and sadness. News reports reported the 1st plane as coincidental, but when the 2nd plane hit, rumors of a terrorist act spread. As planes came down through the eastern coastline, in NY, PA, and Washington fear was nearing its peak. First one plane, then another, one plane at the pentagon, one down in Pennsylvania, what was next? No end seemed in site, because in all reality, it hadn’t even begun to start.

As pictures and presidential speeches flooded mainstream new sources, daring NYC fire and police departments “tried” to keep things calm and organized in NYC. As time went on and funeral too, a broader view of terrorism came into the spotlight for Americans. The former World Trade Center site was being called “ground zero” because in all reality that’s what is was, in the eyes of most US citizens and of president Bush’s it was an act of war. The outpour of patriotic songs, poems, posters, and American flags showed how American could pull together in a time of grief and sadness.
In the days and months following September 11th, it became apparent the war was not just between the Taliban and the US. There was a much broader scope in which we all would have to deal with. Different cultures, and different religions can sometimes interact with each other and respect others view. But the term extremist is best used now, Extremist of religion, have an ideology that their religion is dominant, and the only one morally right. They have a twisted view on the world of cultures that are unlike that of their own.

The United State’s reaction to the attacks of terrorism in the US has to be carefully considered. United States has very good political, social, and economical relations with countries that could stop the relations with the US based on what the US does in relation. Many countries that maybe weren’t allies with the US before might have a chance to come under the protection of our government and military. If the neighboring country lets us have access with the country we are trying to challenge and influence, the United States could then provided the neighboring country with extra protection against the possibility attacks on that country in the future. Many of the middle-eastern countries that surround Afghanistan can now help the US, and help themselves In the long run.

The United States government must analyze each country that might pose as a threat. Reports have indicated that mostly middle-eastern countries that are under Muslim faith serve as the stomping ground for terrorist. The Philippines, Iran, Iraq, Palestine/Israel, and Georgia are just a few examples of the targets for fixing terrorist activity. We have deployed troops to help impose anti-terrorist themes, and to help refugees that are trying to flee their over bearing countries. The Israel/Palestine peace problems have made way for demonstrations against certain groups. Top US Military officials have decided to send troops to terrorist activity sites such as the country of Georgia. Some of the terrorist captured, are being held in Guantanamo bay, in nearby Cuba. Afghanistan was considered, at the start of the war, to be the country of main concern. Still later on in the war, Afghanistan is a source of conflict.

From the White House pressroom to Larry King Live, to expressive bumper stickers this new-age technological war will be one for the history books. This war will be the first war that many young Americans have ever experienced versus reading. This war isn’t some two paged, biased encyclopedia entry, for us, right now, it’s reality.

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