Set Free Ministries in El Cajon California

Set free is fast becoming a house hold name in El Cajon Ca. Set free ministries has been in the sandiego area for over 5 years helping the homeless find help in their time of need, along with sending the younger members of the ministry out to be a blessing to their community. They paint houses, pick up trash, and even help people move at no charge. What kind of people are these that would spend 6-10 hours a day working for no pay? The men and woman of Set Free who at one time was either homeless, or in jail because of drug or alcohol addiction. 2 years ago Set Free started going into the jails to minister to men and woman who for one reason or another made some bad choices. They started with writing 1 or 2 letters a week to encourage inmates to seek Christ in their lives, now after 2 years they are getting 8- 13 letters per day , from inmates requesting bible studies, bibles and copies of their prison news letter called the prayer cloth. When Set Free started going to court for people the courts were skeptical about the inmates and prior inmates sincerity about changing their lives, however within 2 years the courts and parole agents along with local law enforcement have come to rely on set free to help the community clean up its image. Now Set free has a steady stream of people being released from custody into their discipleship program, about 2 inmates per month and parole officers bringing in about 5 men and woman per month. this small ministry has litterally been bringing the down and out into the faith and freedom of the saving and changing power of Jesus Christ. any one can contact the jail ministry or the church its self through their web sites at : or Remember this ministry runs on faith for donations and never charges a fee for their services, when in the El Cajon california area, stop and visit them at 1527 e main st or their church at 389 N magnolia , their motto is serving Jesus 24/7. visit them and find out why.

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