Setting Up a Home Office

If you have the opportunity to work from home, would you be successful? With the accessibility of high speed internet, email and reasonably priced telecommunications more corporations are beginning to head this direction. There are 500,000 new home offices being opened each year as many people opt to freelance and businesses eliminate their offices.

Here are some tips for setting up an office in you home that will get you started on your way to profits and success:

�· You will need a dedicated work space and the kitchen table does not qualify. If your space is limited, you may want to consider screening off an area for your desk and other necessities. Be creative and you can come up with something that will give you some privacy. The ideal setting is a room that has a door, so you can close the rest of the world out if necessary.

�· You need high quality furniture. You will be using this furniture daily, so it has to be durable. This does not necessarily have to be new furniture. There are businesses that are moving or going out of business that are selling there furniture. I have seen people get a good deal on quality furniture a places like the Goodwill or Salvation Army. Rental businesses sell their previously rented furniture on a regular basis and they are a good option for furniture.

�· Buy the best chair you can afford. A folding chair will not work, because you are going to be spending a lot of time in this chair.

�· Avoid glare and reflection. Position your lighting and your desk so that you will not be affected by the glare and reflection of the sun or any other lighting that you may be using.

�· Have a plan for dealing with noise. Are you going to be distracted by noises or do like background noise? Are noisy kids going to be a distraction? Consider how your clients will view the noise in your home.

�· The temperature will need to be comfortable. Anything that makes you uncomfortable is bound to distract you from the task at hand. Take into consideration where the sun is going be and where your heating and air conditioning vents are located and situate your desk accordingly.

�· It is best to set working hours for yourself and stick to them. Let the other people in your home know that you are at work during those hours and should not be disturbed. If you are going to deviate from those hours, make sure your business needs will allow time for an outside activity.

�· Have a plan for support. Keep a list of who can help you and how you can contact them in the event that you need support. Down time can be very costly and the best way you can minimize down time is to have a plan in the event that you need help or service.

Working at home can be very rewarding, but at the same time it can be challenging. You are responsible for your productivity. The best way you can be successful at working from home is to be prepared. Following these tips will help get you off on the right foot.

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