Seven Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples

Halloween Costume for couples #1: Caveman and cavewoman: Caveman and cavewomen costumes are simple to make. Make two simple tunics* costumes out of faux fur or animal print fabric and cut the hem in a jagged fashion. Get a club for him (rough baseball bat) and some fake shark tooth jewelry for her. Go barefoot or in barely there sandals.
Halloween Costume for couples #2: Sonny and Cher: All you need for this costume is some retro 1970’s clothing (as fancy as possible), platform shoes, and wigs. Anyone who has been long enough to be an adult knows this costume is all about how well you play the roles of Sonny and Cher.
Halloween Costume for couples #3: Homecoming King and Queen: Rent a light blue tuxedo, buy, and extra frilly prom dress from the thrift shop for this fun costume. (If you can fit, your old prom outfits wear them). Pick up a couple of crowns at the dollar store.
Halloween Costume for couples #4: Disco Dancers: Retro1970 is clothing flashy jewelry and a couple of afro wigs will make great disco costumes. If you can remember how to do a few dance moves, your costume will be perfected.
Halloween Costume for couples #5: Sock Hop Couple: Get a poodle skirt for her; straight leg jeans rolled at the ankle and penny loafers for him, to pull off this 1950’s costume.
Halloween Costume for couples #6: Reverse Role: Reverse role costumes of any kind will make a great Halloween costume. He can be the bride, while she is the groom. He can be the nurse, while she is the doctor, or he can be the nun, with her as the priest. Alternatively, you can just wear each other’s clothes, if you can get them on. Be imaginative, and have fun.
Halloween Costume for couples #7: Amish Couple: A simple black suit for him, and a long black skirt, white shirt and a bonnet for her will do for a nice, boring, Amish costume. Do not forget to pick up a hat for him at the costume shop. Add a pitchfork if you wish.
* To make a tunic costume, measure the fabric to be twice the length you need, fold it in half and make an opening for the head. Sew the sides closed leaving room for armholes.