Seven Halloween Costume Ideas for the Family

Are you throwing a Halloween bash at your home? Would you like your whole family to coordinate costumes this year? Well here are some ideas you can use.
Family Halloween Costumes #1 Pirates: Say arrrgh! For your pirate costumes, you will need matching red bandannas, black slacks, and knee boots. If you do not have boots for everyone, use black shoes and make stapled on leg cuffs from felt fabric to resemble boots. Everyone should also wear a dark colored vests, eye patches, and hats. You should be able to find many of these items in your closets. (With exceptions of “puffy shirts”, which you should be able to get online)
Family Halloween Costumes #2. Space Aliens: You can make this outfit quickly and easily. Dress everyone up in matching jumpsuits or monotone outfits. Purchase some shimmery fabric and use it to make simple tunics or sashes. Purchase antennae headbands from the party supply or costume store. Put matching markings on everyone’s face.
Family Halloween Costumes #3. Gypsies: You should have everything you will need for these costumes in your home. Pull out peasant skirts for the females and bright colored shawls and skirts. Put on the most gaudy junk jewelry you can find, and lots of it. For the men, you need a bright pair of pants (dark will do if you don’t own anything bright), knee boots, or black shoes with home made boot cuffs as previously mentioned, a white shirt under a vest, and a bandanna or scarf used as a headband.
Family Halloween Costumes #4. Clown Family: You should be able to pull this costume together quickly in a pinch. Start by purchasing wigs or making them out of (new) mops heads. Next, select a fun pair of bright colored pajamas or really bright outfits. If it is going to be cold, you can wear jeans; just temporarily sew bright fabric patches on them. Grab a few props like horns, and balls, and you are all set to be a family of clowns.
Family Halloween Costumes #5. Wizard of Oz: A wizard of Oz theme requires a little imagination, but with some key items and makeup, you should be able to pull it off. Dorothy will need a blue dress and red shoes. The scarecrow will need old clothes and straw and a hat. The Tim man can be made of a box and spray-paint. Your kids can be munchkins in poofy dresses, or fun suits with funny hats.
Family Halloween Costumes #6. TV Families: Do you have a favorite TV show family? Dress up like the Adams Family, the Munster’s, the Simpson’s, or the Jetson’s. Just use your own clothing makeup and wigs.
Family Halloween Costumes #7. Royal or First Family: If you want to feel especially important, dress us like the first family of the US or the Royal Family. (This may depend on the age, sex, and sizes of your current family). On the other hand, you can don everyone with a crown, cape and sculpture and be royalty in general.