Sewing an Easy and Decorative Duvet Cover

Choose luxurious decorator fabrics or browse the bed linens at your local discount stores for fabulous sheets. Save money by buying only one decorative flat sheet for the top side of your duvet cover. For the back of your duvet cover, purchase an inexpensive white or solid flat sheet.
Supplies You Will Need:
Decorative flat sheet
Solid flat sheet
Ribbon to match duvet cover
Sewing machine
Matching thread
Measuring tape
Craft glue or Fray Check
1. Measure the comforter’s width and length. Do not add extra seam allowance to the width, this will make the comforter look fuller. Add eight inches to the length, to allow for overlap. Cut both the decorative flat sheet and the solid flat sheet, using these measurements.
2. Matching the edges, pin the flat sheets with the right sides together. Pin them along the long sides and the bottom.
3. Measure down from the top edge 8″ on each side and mark. Beginning and ending at these marks, sew a 1/2″ seam allowance down one long side, across the bottom and up the other side.
4. Turn the unstitched edge flaps, of the long sides, under a 1/4″ and iron. Turn the edges over a 1/4″ again, iron and pin. Top stitch the pinned flaps.
5. Fold the unstitched top edges under one inch and iron. Turn the edges over one inch again, iron and pin. Top stitch the top of the duvet cover on each side.
6. Cut eight pieces of ribbon 8″ long. Apply craft glue or Fray Check to the ends of the ribbons to prevent fraying. Set four of the ribbons aside.
7. Pin one end of the ribbons to each of the bottom two corners on the duvet cover and the “v” points of the duvet cover’s side flaps. Sew the ribbon in place along the seam. Turn the duvet cover right side out.
8. Fold the solid backing flap at the top of the duvet cover, inside the cover. Fold the decorative front flap over and to the back of the duvet cover. Cut six sets of Velcro 2″ long and evenly space them between the decorative flap and the backing. Pull the Velcro apart and pin them in place. Sew the Velcro to the duvet cover.
9. Pin a ribbon to each of the bottom corners of the comforter. Measure down 8″ on each side of the comforter and pin the last two ribbons. Sew the ribbon to the comforter.
10. Turn the duvet cover inside out again. Lay the comforter on top of the duvet cover, matching the edges. Tie the ribbons at the bottom of the duvet cover and the bottom of the comforter together. Tie the ribbons at the side of the duvet cover to the ribbons on the side of the comforter.
11. Turn the duvet cover right side out with the comforter on the inside. Fold in the back flap and fold over the decorative front flap to the back of the duvet cover. Attach the Velcro to close.