Sex Tips for the Menopausal Woman

Loss of sexual desire due to changes in hormonal balance is a common problem for menopausal women. Major life changes such as menopause can put a real damper on one’s desire to engage in sex. If you are lucky the loss of libido will be a temporary one that will even out as your body adjusts to the lack of estrogen in your system. If the loss of desire persists indefinitely and creates problems for you or your partner then there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Fluctuations in sexual desire are to be expected during this time in life but a complete loss of desire can result in a very unhappy relationship with your husband. If it isn’t addressed it can destroy your relationship.

There are many ways to solve this lack of sexual desire in the menopausal woman. The first and smartest thing one can do is to address the issue with their physician. Being postmenopausal and having a history myself with this very issue I would like to share with you some suggestions that I personally found helpful. It’s my belief that the brain plays more of a role in sexual desire than hormones and the willingness to engage in an intimate relationship with your spouse. I found taking the following action far more beneficial than any prescription my physician gave me. Give them a try and see if you can’t get that motor humming again.

Create the Mood:

You can’t just sit around and wait for lightening to strike. You need to create a mood in your surroundings that will stimulate you mentally. There must be a mental willingness to work on creating an environment that will stimulate and entice. Candle light, satin sheets, a visit to Victoria’s Secret, a lightly racy video shared with your husband after a romantic dinner. You might even try cooking that dinner in the nude or in a new purchase from that trip to Victoria’s Secret.

Make Sex a Priority:

Don’t let your life get in the way and push into the category of something you only fit in when you can find the time. Time has to be made for lovemaking and it has to be made a priority. The less sex you have, the less desire and passion you are going to feel. The more sex you have the more your desire and passion will grow.

Make Sure You Are Getting all Your Needs Met:

Unmet needs will lead to anger, resentment and nothing interferes more with feelings of sexual desire. When your needs aren’t met, sex will not be satisfying, hormonal problems or not. You take a mixture of hormonal problems and unmet needs and you will hit a brick wall sexually. Make sure you emotional needs are being met, make sure enough time is being put into foreplay and make sure you are being stimulated, sexually in a way that heightens your pleasure during the act of sex. Most of all make sure you share with your spouse what it is you need to feel arousal during the act of sex.

Don’t go to Bed Angry:

Hurt feelings, angry, fear and resentment can play havoc on sexual desire. Women are notorious for burying such negative emotions. Don’t let something your spouse did months ago interfere with your ability to enjoy sex by holding onto it and letting it build up inside. Be honest and open with your spouse, communicate your feelings and work at finding solutions to conflict quickly. Talk about any unresolved feelings you might have because, what happens outside the bedroom can greatly impact what happens inside the bedroom in a negative way.

Don’t Wait For the Mood To Enjoy:

You don’t always have to be in the mood for sex to engage in sex. In fact, you might find that that act itself is what it takes to get you in the mood. Giving yourself to your partner out of a desire to see them satisfied can be a wonderful aphrodisiac. A connection based on the love you feel instead of the lust you feel can lead to a wonderful lovemaking encounter.

Keep in mind that there are two people in your relationship. How you feel about sex and view sex greatly determines how loved your spouse will feel. If you love your spouse you will take the necessary steps to keep him from feeling rejected and deprived sexually. This can be done through mutual masturbation; oral sex and any other various ways of assisting him receive sexual pleasure.

Sex does not always mean intercourse or lovemaking. Keep your eye on the intimacy and enjoy the physical sensations that come from the closeness you can feel with your spouse through closeness, love, sensuality and touch.

Loss of libido can be caused by physiological problems, such as menopause, emotional problems or cultural problems. Whether you are a menopausal woman or not there is no excuse for not continuing to pay attention to your sensual side. Turn up the heat and enjoy!!

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