Shape Your Body Without Any Gym Time

Now most of us want to get into shape but we don’t like the idea of spending a lot of time in the gym. Well, these 4 simple workouts will raise your body’s performance and physical appearance without any gym time.

The first workout is something you’ve probably done before. It’s Jump-rope. Get a jumping rope and jump rope in 90 second to 2 minutes periods. You can try jumping on one foot only to increase your balance. It may be hard to do at first but you will be able to do it.

The second work out is a squat thrust. You get into a squatting position with your hands flat on the ground in front of you. As fast as you can kick your feet behind you into a push-up position. As soon as you are in push-up position bring you feet back under you into a squatting position. Do 12-15 of these.

This workout is a Shuttle Run. Place 5-8 objects, depending on how much of a workout you want, about 10-15 yards away from where a clear starting line is. The objects can be anything you can grab with one hand and not be hard to carry. As fast as you can run from the starting line, grab one object, and run back to place it behind the starting line. Repeat this as fast as you can until all the objects are behind the starting line.

This last exercise is another sprinting exercise. Find three small objects. Place two of the together and the third 50 or so yards away from the other two. Start with one of the two objects that were placed together in your hand. Sprint to the other object and replace your objects. Repeat in the other direction. On this exercise as many time as you can. You must push yourself past your comfort zone on this one though.

Do not do these exercises more than two times a day. You will start to see results in your performance and appearance in weeks if you continue this routine at least 4 times a week and eat healthy.

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