Shark Steam Mop Review

It’s a steam mop! It’s a Shark! It’s SUPERMOP!!!!

Can you tell how much I love, love this Euro-Pro Shark Steam Mop!?!!! Well, I do. But first I have to tell you a secret about myself. I’m a Steam Junky. I bought my first steam mop way back in the late eighties. I still have it but accidentally threw away the cleaning pads and after hunting high and low and on the internet, I wasn’t able to find replacements. Thus with great sorrow i had to put it in storage in my garage. It’s not easy letting go of one’s first love.

Through the years I searched for a replacement but found nothing that could approximate the pleasure and satisfaction that a steam mop could give when cleaning tile floors. I had all but given up and decided I was bound forever to a mop and pail, when, lo and behold, I found it!

The SHARK STEAM MOP! There it was. lined up in Bed, Bath and Beyond among the other floor cleaners. But I had eyes only for the Shark. In a weird way, i sensed a similar feeling on its part. Yes, it’s true, like in any relationship, it’s often the superficial that attracts and I have to admit I liked its deep opalescent orchid and gray color. . As I slowly I approached it, I admired its slim and shapely appearance. But I wondered, would it meet a very important test? Would it be lightweight? So what did I do? I picked it up. It was lightweight! Actually, it weighs only 3 pounds! It more than met my expectations.

I took the Shark Steam Mop home where I would put it to the the test on my tile floors in my bathrooms, hallways and kitchens. I could barely contain my excitement as I opened the box. I removed the plastic funnel, filling flask and the 2 micro-fiber cleaning pads that were included. The mop itself came in three parts and I was thrilled to see that putting the parts together was literally a snap and in no time I was ready to give my Shark Steam Mop the ultimate test. Would it, using only steam and water, clean my tile floors?

I adjusted the micro-fiber cleaning pad (the company supplies 2 pads with the machine) underneath the mop head. Using the plastic flask and funnel I was able to fill the Shark Steam Mop easily and with the correct amount of tap water. I plugged the long cord into the electric outlet and within 30 seconds ( I couldn’t believe how fast it heated up) I was ready to begin.

It was amazing how efficiently and effortlessly the Shark Steam Mop removed grease, spills, and just ordinary grime. All without the use of harsh chemicals. Just steam! Could anything be more economical or ecologically correct!!! And it can be used not only on tile but on hardwood, linoleum and vinyl floors.

I could tell this was going to be a relationship made in heaven. And just like the manual said it was quick and easy, and required no rinsing or carrying buckets of water. The floor dried quickly. It was extremely easy to maneuver and had an ergonomically soft grip handle. And the cleaning pads were a money saver as they were made of durable triple layer micro-fiber and could be tossed in the washing machine.

The price is just right too!!!

Have I found love again? You bet!!!! The euro-Pro Shark Steam Mop is one amazing machine. This is going to be one steamy relationship!!!!

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