Should Ashanti Do More Acting or Stick to Singing?

Singer Ashanti has been trying to break into the field of acting, but how have fans reacted to her making this sudden move. Well some commend her for trying to be versatile, and for doing knew things. But others feel that she should really stick with singing. One film that she appeared in was the Muppets Wizard of OZ.
Many however did not take here role in this film very seriously. That was however until she appeared in the movie Coach Carter. As an actor Ashanti still has a lot to learn, but considering the fact that the acting world is new to her, she really did not do that bad. As she does more acting and more movies she will surely improve. That’s at least according to the critics who found her performance to be a little lacking in Coach Carter.
More recently she starred in the film “John Tucker Must Die”. In this film she definitely showed that she has talent. Maybe she should do more comedies since she did so well with this one. She has also done some guest roles in a few shoes and movies. But many fans are worried that maybe trying to do something that she is not that good at will ruin her career. Well so far it does not seem to be having any affect on her album sales.
If anything she seems to be selling more now than ever before. One thing that you can be sure of is that regardless of how well her acting skills are she will never completely sink her music career. The problem that many critics have is that they are constantly trying to compare her to Beyonce. People need to understand that they are two separate artists, with very different styles. They both have ventured into the world of acting and both seem to be doing just fine with it.
But when it comes to the question of whether or not she should devote more time to acting, I would have to say that based on the response from fans no. Most of her loyal fans would prefer to see her devote more of her energy to her music and her performances. Especially since many fans that I spoke with who have been to some of her recent performances say that she seems to be slipping a little. Although it could just be because she’s tired. Remember it is very hard working in both the music and acting fields. The bottom line is if she has the drive then she can do anything she puts her mind to.