Shower Rod Baskets

Spring-tension curtain rod
Large “s” hooks
Plastic baskets
Go ahead and take down those shelves that you installed to hold all of the shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and other bottles in the bathroom. You’ve overlooked the most simplistic of all bathroom organizers and it won’t take long for you to replace those shelves. The organizer is unusual and not normally implemented as an organizer; it’s an ordinary curtain rod. When you hang it in your shower you have room for many bottles, sponges, loofahs, razors, and so much more.
Unless you buy a shower curtain that has a liner already attached, you’ll have to install two tension rods to cover your shower with both a curtain and a liner. But when you put up yet one more rod, your bathroom will instantly look so much neater, and more organized. A shower curtain rod lets you hang baskets that can hold back scrubbers, shower liquids, and other needs.
Since you’re already sliding the existing liner back and forth, putting the extra curtain rod right below it could be a problem. What’s even better is to hang the rod on the opposite side, if that’s possible by the design of your shower. A tension rod can quickly be hung and you’ll have a new organizer that fast.
Plastic baskets work well to store and organize all of your shower and bath needs. Baskets with holes to let the water run out are ideal. To hang each one on the new tension rod use an “s” hook. Large hooks, sold at hardware and home improvement stores, can be simply hung onto the rod. Hang the handle of a basket on each hook and use the baskets to store your shower needs.
Align a row of “s” hooks on the curtain rod, and hang the baskets, but use the hooks for other things, too. Hang washcloths, back scrubbers, and loofahs on sticks. Almost any stick or handled-type item has a hole for hanging it so it will nicely fit on the curtain rod.
Hang short things, like washcloths, near the area where your elbow will be when you wash your hair. Hang the longer things – the baskets and scrubbers – at the other end of the rod. You’ll be able to accommodate several baskets as well as many other items and you’ll be thrilled to have those shelves taken down from your bathroom walls.