Shur-Stik Wallcovering Seam Sealer

My grandmother was a professional wallpaper hanger, and I spent many a day watching and helping her put wallpaper in other people’s homes. She taught me how to hang it, and when my husband and I purchased our own home in 1984, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to put some wallpaper on my own walls.

It’s now 24 years later, and some of my walls have been re-papered, some have had the paper removed and paint applied instead, but our master bathroom still has the original paper on the walls, and some of the seams are starting to peel back. I visited a local store that sells wallpaper and all the supplies that go along with it, and they recommended a product called Shur-Stick.


Shur-Stick comes in a 4 ounce tube that’s colored pink and white. My tube reads “Shur-Stik 66 Wallcovering Seam Sealer”. It’s meant to be used for quick repairs of loose seams and edges. It will provide a strong permanent bond to keep my wallpaper in place.

It’s appropriate for adhering vinyl, foil, burlap, and all other types of wallcovering. It can also be used to bond vinyls to plaster, wood, and paper. It has good wet tack and adhesion for overlapping vinyl and fastening loose edges.

My Experience

This looks pretty much like a white glue, and is easy to use. The cap screws upward to reveal a small hole for squeezing out the product, much like a container of Elmers Glue. To use Shur-Stik, you apply a thin even layer to the paper, and press it against the wall. If you are wallpapering, you should already have a smoothing brush and a seam roller, so you need to use these to smooth the paper and eliminate any bubbles. I always have a warm wet rag on hand, and clean up any excess glue that has seeped out from my seams.

One warning to heed is that Shur-Stick Seam Sealer will not come off without using a debonding agent and “effort”. So be sure that you want to keep your paper on your walls for a few more years when you use this product to seal the seams.

We recently remodeled our downstairs bathroom, and when the new cabinets and counter top were put in, I had two small areas, about 1/2″ wide and 3/4″ long, that showed my sheetrock, with no wallpaper in those areas. Luckily for me, I still had half a roll of wallpaper left over in storage, so I cut out a small piece and was able to patch my walls using this Shur-Stick, and it worked wonderfully.


This wasn’t cheap, about $8, but it really works much better than any other type of glue, and it has much more holding power than normal wallpaper paste does. If you have any wallpaper seams that are coming apart, or areas that need repair such as we had in our bathroom, I highly recommend you try to find a tube of Shur-Stick and repair those areas, before they rip and make an even larger repair job for you to fix.

Even wallpaper that is applied by professionals can come up at the seams over time, and Shur-Stick is a sure fire fix. This is a great product.

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