Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

The signs and symptoms of pregnancy are different for every woman. However, there are some telltale messages that a body sends out before any tests come back positive. Although women who are planning a family tend to take pregnancy tests before any major symptoms occur, those who are in tune with their body may notice the following:

Absence of Menstruation- Yes, this is a gimme and it is often the first symptom that women notice, particularly ones who weren’t planning on becoming pregnant. A late period may soon become an absent period, which means one could be pregnant. Early home pregnancy tests will usually show positive results by the first day of an expected period.

Fatigue- Extreme fatigue is a common symptom of pregnancy. Due to the height of progesterone in a pregnant woman’s body, the adjustment can be exhausting and cause the first trimester to be a sleepy one. Later, this fatigue will return, as the day of baby’s appearance nears.

Nausea- Yes, this can be one of the worst parts of pregnancy and it will take its toll in the early days. Bouts of nausea and vomiting without any other symptoms of a virus or illness could indicate pregnancy. And remember, “morning sickness” occurs all day for many women. It is a very misleading name.

Tender Breasts- This is a symptom that can occur before a missed period and it misleads many women. Tender breasts or nipples can also be a common symptom of PMS, so it is hard for some women to know which symptoms are pertaining to which condition.

Cramping- Some general cramping and bloating may accompany an early pregnancy. Again, this may be mistaken for PMS until a period fails to appear. (However, severe cramping or bleeding early in pregnancy should be investigated further.)

Frequent Urination- Like fatigue, this symptom of pregnancy rears its ugly head in the beginning and the end of the long nine months. In the beginning, women will find themselves running to the bathroom more frequently. This is because of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, which acts like a diuretic in the early days.

Many women will mistake the above symptoms for PMS, although women with irregular cycles may not even realize they have missed a period and are in fact pregnant. If you have any of these symptoms and have reason to believe you could be with child, a home pregnancy test designed for early protection should tell you the answer.

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