Silence – a Lesson Learned

I never thought I would see the day when I would run out of things to say, but it has been one of the most inspirational days of my life.

For years, people have been telling me I talk too much. I constantly have opinions about anything and everything. I even have an online journal with daily ramblings about my life, current events, or anything else that happens to pop into my head. It seems as if everyday I am telling someone how my ideal job would be on talk radio where I could spend a few hours of each day conversing with callers on anything that comes to mind and expressing my opinions. Being a Psychology major, I even joke that I should be like Frasier.

As a college student with bills to pay, I am always searching for a way to make extra money. I stumbled upon Associated Content and I became excited at the prospect of being able to earn a few extra dollars by publishing articles. For someone who always has a lot on her mind, and isn’t afraid to say it, it seemed like a perfect match. I immediately signed up for an account, anxiously awaiting the ability to publish articles. After my sign-up was complete, I thought for a few minutes on possible topics to write about, but I came up empty handed. It was late at night and I decided that if I went to bed, I would be able to write in the morning.

That was days ago and I still have not had any inspiration. Ironically, the girl who always has an opinion about something has nothing to say. Although I am not a professional and have no real authority to state why I am running out of opinions, I have come up with a quite frightening theory: I never think. What is really different about writing an article to be published or writing pages and pages on my online journal? I want the content that I post on here to be meaningful and have some sort of function so I am putting thought into any idea or opinion I have. When I really think about it, I normally have nothing important or useful to say. I have realized that I spend more time aimlessly rambling and spouting gibberish than I spend being insightful. I believe this may be one of the best hobbies I have ever pursued. By just signing up, I have learned a lot about myself and I feel that my growth as an intellectual and person will flourish in the future as I learn to provide better information and perspectives.

This article does not offer a wealth of information regarding any research topics, and many people may overlook it. I do, however, feel that it may inspire others to think as well. The best articles and advice are those that can provide information and show depth, thought, and quality of ideas. I never thought that writing could help me develop so much, but the past few days of silence have taught me more than I could even begin to describe here.

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