Simple Angel Crafts

Angels are loved by many and now you can be surrounded by them with these instructions for making several different angel projects. Make a seashell angel by first using a large mollusk shell for the body of the angel. Glue lace around the bottom for a frilly hem. Glue a little more lace around the smaller portion of the shell for a neckline. Use contact cement to glue two clam shells behind the mollusk shell, for wings. Place a wooden bead above the lacy neckline and glue into place. Paint eyes and a mouth with a toothpick dipped in paint. Now glue a large cotton ball on top of the wooden ball for hair. Use a golden craft ring, found in the wedding section of most craft stores, as a halo. Glue only the back portion of the halo onto the back portion of the cotton ball. This will allow the front of the ring to hover over the hair. To use the angel for an ornament glue a loop of twine onto the mollusk shell before adding the clam shell wings.

Quickly make a magnetic angel mirror by purchasing a small round or oval mirror at a craft store. They usually come in a pack of three or four so you can make this craft for a few friends as well. Look around the store for an angel (you’ll find many types and sizes) that’s flat on the backside. Paint around the edge of the mirror with glitter paint. When dry, affix the angel to the mirror, over to one side. Attach a magnet to the back and place on fridge or another metallic object. You can also mount the mirror, without the magnet, on a piece of wood to use for a wall hanging.

Purchase an inexpensive doll body, small and made of plastic or ceramic. Dress it in a white satin shirt, found where you purchase the doll. Glue gold or silver sequin to the satin shirt or leave plain. Glue white feathers to the hem of the shirt, attaching quills to the hemline. Use several layers to make the skirt very full. Use a piece of quarter-inch wide ribbon to hide the quill area. Ribbon should be gold or silver. Purchase small golden ring to use for a halo. Now arrange white feathers, on the back of the body, as wings. The wings should span from beside the head to about the waist area.

Use an old-fashioned clothespin (the kind without the spring) to make a cute angel. Draw a face on the clothespin, making sure the clothespin is turned to where the angel appears to have legs. Gather lace, satin or another white fabric to where it’s small at the top and full at the bottom. Slip the clothespin into the skirt and glue in place, just under the ball of the clothespin. Fashion arms for the angel out of white pipe cleaners, wrap them loosely in white lace, then glue them to the “shoulder” area. Cut two wings from gold foil paper and attach to the back.

Cut two strips of white or beige fabric, about 2″x8″, rounding the top of one side of the strips. Sew them together, leaving the straight side open, turn and press. Fill the tube with cotton balls or batting. Sew shut at bottom. Draw a face on the rounded end of the tube. Use a long piece of white lace or satin and gather it on one side. This will cause the other side to flare out, making a nice skirt for the angel. Glue the gathered side around the tube just under the drawn face. Tie a piece of ribbon around the neck to hide the gathering stitches. Purchase and glue a small amount of doll hair on top of the rounded end of the tube. Glue a craft ring on for a halo. Cut wings from gold felt or foil paper and attach them to the backside.

Use a ball Christmas ornament to make one more gorgeous angel. Remove the hanging loop and crown section from a ball ornament. Spread the crown section apart somewhat to use as a base for your angel to stand. Center the base onto the rounded side of the ball and glue into place. Glue a wooden ball onto the neck of the ornament then paint on a face. Glue doll hair onto the wooden ball and add a tiny golden ring to the hair. Glue a few white feathers around the neck of the ornament making a skirt that allows the ornament to be seen underneath. Glue small flowers at the neckline, making it appear that the angel is holding tiny pink, yellow or blue flowers. Purchase craft wings and attach them to the back.

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