Simple Home Maintenance Projects for Spring

Are you ready for warm weather, barbecues, and backyard baseball? I think we’d all agree that we are! But is your home ready for the change of season, too? Now is a great time to begin taking on those small home maintenance projects that will help get your home ready for warmer temperatures.

With each change of season comes new chores around the house, and it serves as a helpful reminder to clean up, spruce up, and maintain the house and the area around it. Here are a few simple projects to get things started:

Carpets – Since the house is closed up during cold winter months, it’s nice to give them a good cleaning before warm weather hits. Rent a steam cleaner from your local home improvement or grocery store to get the job done right. This is a great way to remove dirt, dust, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens embedded deep within the carpet fibers. Best of all, a steam cleaner can be rented for an affordable cost of $20 or less.

Window treatments – When the heater is one and the house is closed, there is a lot of dust present in even the cleanest of homes. Take a moment and look at the blinds and curtains that sit above or under heating vents. Chances are, you’ll see quite a build up of dust. Get your home ready for spring by remove blinds, curtains, and other window treatments and washing them. Blinds can be taken outside, hosed off, and allowed to dry in the sun. Check the label on fabric window treatments to see how they should be laundered.

Windows – Cold weather prohibits most of us from cleaning windows to a sparkling shine, so they’re typically pretty dirty by the end of winter. Clean the interior windows with a mixture of two gallons warm water and five drops of Dawn Dish Soap. Wait till you see the results! For the exterior windows, simply the job by using the amazing Windex All-In-One Cleaning Tool. It’s inexpensive, easy to use, and provides the cleanest windows you have ever seen!

Gutters – Cleaning the gutters is a home maintenance project most people don’t look forward to, but it’s a necessary chore. Use the change of season as a reminder to clean the gutters of leaves, pine needles, and other debris that may block the flow of water. Find out more in our Gutter Cleaning Guide.

Clear away debris outside – Most of us hibernate indoors during cold weather, so we may not be aware of debris build up around the chimney or heating and air unit. If there are limbs hanging anywhere around the chimney, it can pose a serious fire hazard. Remove limbs, leaves, and other debris from this area at once. Additionally, the area around the heating and air unit needs to be cleared of overgrowth to ensure air can move freely around it. Otherwise, the unit will need to work overtime.

Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors – This preventative home maintenance project requires very little effort, yet it is one of the most important things you can do to protect your family from danger. Check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace them at once, if necessary.

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Personal experience

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