Simple Inexpensive Things You Can Do to Make Someone’s Day

Everyone deserves to have something nice done for them every now and then. And when you are the recipient you know how it makes your day to have someone else show you a bit of kindness. It’s very easy, doesn’t cost anything, and could be the only nice thing someone has done for them for days to come. Here are some simple suggestions:

*If you know someone who’s sick or in the hospital, offer to feed or take care of the pet.

*Drive a neighbor who doesn’t have a car to the market to do her weekly shopping.

*Put a quarter in a parking meter that is about to expire.

*Offer to carry an elderly person’s bags of groceries to his car.

*Let a parent struggling to keep a fussy child from throwing a temper tantrum go ahead of you in line.

*Fill the coin slots of your machine at the Laundromat for the next person who uses it.

*Shovel the sidewalk in front of your house-and your neighbor’s.

*Give flowers or a gourmet cup of coffee to someone-just because.

*Write something nice about the waiter or waitress on the back of your bill.

*Leave unused coupons on the supermarket shelves for another shopper.

These are all simple, very basic things that anyone can do to brighten someone’s day. You never know; someone may surprise you and return the favor some day when you least expect it.

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