Simple Methods to Help You Conserve Fuel

It seems that no matter where you go these days, everyone is talking about the price of fuel. From coffee shops to television programs, there does not seem to be a place that is sacred from the talk of the high prices of fuel. Rising fuel costs at the pump can be a source of economic strain, but there is also the worry of conserving the use of fuel at home as well. Winter is considered as the most difficult season to keep fuel costs down. There are ways, however, that the home consumer can conserve fuel and save money with the winter heating bills. These ideas may not be suitable for everyone, but are idealistic ways to keep the heating costs down during times of such high fuel prices.

One sure fire way of saving money while conserving fuel is to keep your thermostat turned down when you are not home. If you decide to run errands for a littlw while, or even heading out for work for the day, turning down the temperature on the thermostat is great way to shave a few dollars off of your monthly bill. Also, if you live in an area that is frequented with cold temperatures, or even snow and ice, it is ideal to keep the thermostat as low as 55 degrees if away for an extended period of time. This method will ensure that your house will not be freezing cold when you return, as well as keeping your pipes from freezing.

You should also turn down the thermostat when you go to bed at night. Most people find it unbearable to sleep when it is hot anyway, so lowering the thermostat about 10 degrees or so before you go to bed can also save fuel. In doing so, not only will you more than likely be able to sleep better at night, but you can also save approximately 10 percent on your monthly
utility bill.

An investment in a programmable setback thermostat will prove valuable as well. These thermostats can be automatically set to adjust the heat during the day. When you wake up in the morning, the heat will turn up higher, and when you go to sleep at night, it will adjust again and decrese the heat. This is ideal for those people that tend to forget to turn down the thermostat when they go to bed. With a programmable setback thermostat, there is always a backup adjustment to your heating needs.

Enjoy company? Well, then host a party. Having a party is a wonderful way to conserve fuel and lower yoru heating costs. With so many people in one room enjoying company, and great food, the room is bound to get warmer. In doing so, the thermostat can be kept at a lower temperature as well.

Utilizing a humidifier is another idealistic way to lower your heating costs. When you increase the humidity in your surroundings, it will make you feel warmer, thus making you turn down the temperature on your thermostat. A humidifier is also a great way to wane off any impeding colds that you can catch, as well as keeping your skin dry and itchy from the
bitter winter cold.

If you ever needed a reason to keep your furnace clean, now is the time. A clean furnace will burn the oil from a furnace more efficiently. Just as important are forced – air systems. These systems need to be cleaned and replaced with new filters, as well as clear of any debris. Hiring a professional to clean your furnace once a year before the winter starts is the most ideal way to burning fuel efficiently.

Finally, by owning storm windows, you are truly saving energy. With two layers of pane glass to protect you from the cold, it is very difficult for any heat to escape, and any cold air to enter. It may be understandibly expensive to replace and install storm windows, so placing insulative plastic on your windows can also bloak out the cold. Such kits are often sold at major chain stores, as well as hardware stores.

These methods are definite ways to keeping your heating bills low during the winter months. Not only are you conserving fuel, but you are also saving money form your own pocket. These mentioned methods, as well as layering clothes while inside your home, are definite ways to keep yourself warm and cozy this winter.

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