Single Parenting: Pros and Cons

Another negative effect of being a single parent is the parent living with the child full time may have to deal with negative feelings from the child about the missing parent. The children may feel rejected by the inactive parent. The brunt of their frustrations may be taken out on the parent that is present. A positive effect of single parenting is that the parent usually tries to strive for a more enriched life. This usually leads to the single parent being more financially independent and self sufficient. Another positive effect of single parenting is the disciplinary actions are usually neutral. The single parent has a more consistent set of rules, but allows for open communication. Open communication is important because the child may have low self esteem issues. No matter the situation between you and the absent parent, it is important to allow the child to express their feelings openly. You need to try and keep the negativity away from the child to ensure a loving and nurturing environment. The effects of single parenting are not all negative. Many people elect to be single parents today by going to sperm banks or receiving donor eggs for artificial insemination. The important thing is to know that there may be some ramifications out there. As long as you are a loving parent and provide your child with a safe, loving, and nurturing environment, the effects of single parenting may be all good.