Six Easy Ways to Create a Fresh-Smelling Home

Vacuum with baking soda. Rugs and cloth furniture are amazing at holding in odors. But sprinkle some baking soda on it, let it sit for 5 minutes or so, and then vacuum it up to leave the whole room smelling fresh and clean. Baking soda is known for being a great cheap, effective deodorizer so use it to tackle any place in your home that holds in odors.
Outlet air fresheners. There are a number of air fresheners on the market, but the most effective so far seem to be those which plug into an outlet and puff out little bits of air freshener every now and then. Purchase ones equipped with fans to make sure it circulates around your whole room. The majority of brands come with small vials that look like they don’t last long at all, but in fact, most will last 2-3 months! That’s longer than the air fresheners that just sit on a shelf, and the release of fresh scents is much more balanced.
Hidden dryer sheets. Dryer sheets work wonders for the smell of your laundry, but what about the rest of your house? Tuck a dryer sheet under couch cushions or behind any trouble area that you can find to hide them in. You’ll immediately notice a difference!
Rather than wiping things down with soap and water, use furniture polish or sanitizing spray. It may sound quicker to just grab a rag and wipe something down, but it takes just as much time to grab a bottle of sanitizer or cleaning spray and spray that on your counter tops or furniture. It will leave a nice smell and get rid of unwanted bacteria!
Keep your towels and pot holders clean. Even if they don’t look dirty, be sure to stick them in the wash fairly often, whether it’s hand towels, bath towels or simple pot holders. Bacteria can grow easily on soiled towels, even if it doesn’t look all that bad! Plus, the smell of clean laundry does wonders for the smell of your home!
Open up your windows! Crack your windows just a tiny bit during the day to allow for better air circulation, and the smells of the outdoors to cycle out any stale smells that have been sitting in your house.