Six Ways to Flirt and Have Fun This Summer

Summertime and flirting. Those two words go hand in hand. Below I have compiled a couple different ways for you to get noticed by that hot guy you have always been eyeing, and maybe get a suntan in the bargain. So read up, pack your beach bag and start mingling.

1) Head outdoors and mingle-It’s hot. Who would want to stay indoors in front of the TV and be a hermit? Not only do insects come out when it’s hot, but hot guys do too. Lucky for us chicks. It’s so easy to flirt and it’s totally harmless. All you have to do is make eye contact with your target and follow up, that means if he smiles back you have to go up and start talking. Need some help with conversation starters? Ask if he’s gone on vacation anywhere recently. If he keeps saying “I did this” and “I did that” instead of “we”, your in. He’s single. If you’re on a beach, ask him if he knows how to get out of a riptideâÂ?¦or something. Just open your mouth and words will spill out. If it becomes babble, maybe you’ll make him laugh and he’ll introduce himself. Guys know when we girls are interested in them, maybe not all the time but guys will respond 90% of the time if you talk to them. Just keep the conversation flowing from there.

2) Go to the beach-Chances are good that guys will be there. Surfing, swimming, playing with their dog, playing volleyball. And chances are even greater that they will be doing all this without a shirt on. Yeah, it’s kind of intimidating to go up to a guy who’s naked, but come on! He’s only half naked. Still intimidated? Just remind yourself that your not there to find out if he’s Mr. Right your just there to flirt right? Please say yes! I know it’s a clichÃ?© but Mr. Right comes along when your not looking, believe me it is so true! Anyway, flirting is a precursor for when Mr. Right does come along. Think of it as great practice and who cares if he blows you off? You weren’t that into him anyway right?

3) Stop and smell the roses-This means to relax! If you’re nervous he’ll notice right off the bat. Before going up to him breath deeply in and out through your diaphragm a couple timesâÂ?¦maybe eight or ten if you’re shy. Breathe in the smell of flowers; aromas give you a natural endorphin boost. And that’s another thing I have to get off my chest. I don’t care if you’re shy, go up to him anyway. It’s easier said than done I know. I was once shy myself, but it is good practice and just remember HE IS NOT MR. RIGHT! You’re just flirting. So just decompress and remember you’re worth it!

4) Find an excuse to throw a party-You don’t need an excuse…it’s summertime. Trust me, people will come. People you know and someâÂ?¦many that you don’t. We like to have a reason to be out in the sun, a lot of the time we really don’t need a reason. It’s hot, we’re sweating and it’s the weekend. No school, no work for some equals having fun in the sun. Why not a bbq, a picnic out by the lake swimsuits optional. There are going to be tons of guys there.

5) Wear sexy clothes-I’m not saying tube tops and short shortsâÂ?¦ although you can. I’m just saying wear something that shows a little bit of skin. Why the hell not? It’s summer and you know you’re hot. I don’t mean 90 degrees hot either. And you are. Have the confidence or pretend to at least for a little while. Guys love when a woman is confident in her own skin, it doesn’t matter if you’re overweight or not. Find the right clothes for your body type, do affirmations in the mirror before you go out to host the party if that helps and just have fun!

6) Flirt with everyone-Flirt with geeks, nerds, hot, ugly, buckteeth, going bald. Flirt with every gosh dang guy that crosses your path! Now! It will help with your confidence in the long run and it will definitely get you a date or two. So what if he doesn’t look like a good catch. Looks really are not everything, sure they draw you in but looks don’t grip your heart.

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