Skating with the Celebrities: Another Bad Show Idea!

Is skating with the celebrities another bad show idea that fox has decided to air? Many people seem to be getting a little tired of all the new reality shows that are starting to pop up on fox. They seem to be the one network that has a new reality show just about every season. The skating with the celebrities show is somewhat interesting, but it is something that I just do not think will last much longer.
It is possible that it is the people that they have chosen to be on the show. A lot of the celebrities that they have chosen are ones that are no longer acting, or as many people like to call them “washed up”. Of course it may be more interesting if they got someone like Beyounce on their to do some celebrity skating. According to the network the ratings for this particular show have not bee very good. Let’s take a look at who they have had on the show like Todd Bridges.
Are you or anyone else really interested in watching him skate? It is possible that the network assumed that people would find it funny. Unfortunately however it was not that either. Whether or not they will have another season is yet to be seen. The one good thing that they do have which is posted on their website is a poll asking who you would like to see on the show. If you have not visited their website then you can take a look at
The best part is that it is hosted by Scott Hamilton and Summer Sanders both are professional skaters themselves. To list a few good things about the show I will say that it is interesting watching them compete. Each week they apparently have a different theme which pushed them to their physical limits. The bottom line is that this is one reality idea that did not work out. They usually only hold these type of competitions as fundraisers and a way to raise money for a good cause.
Maybe they should just stick with that. Another good idea is that maybe instead of getting celebrities to skate with the professionals why not get ordinary people to compete for the chance to skate in the competition with the professionals. This would definitely help to boost ratings and a lot more people would take an interest in the show. Just look at how well American Idol works using ordinary people. That is if it actually makes it through another season.