Skin Types and Skin Conditions

You were born with your skin type. It’s genetic and isn’t going to change. The condition of your skin is something that has happened or is occurring with your skin. You skin condition is changeable. Skin conditions can relate to both internal and external factors.

There are three different skin types, though some groups classify them as five. Normal, Oily and Dry are the three main skin types. Some groups also consider combination skin or sensitive skin as a skin type. Sensitized skin is a condition and can be corrected in most cases.

Normal skin is soft and has a smooth texture, while there are fine to medium pores. Oily skin has excess oil or sebum and enlarged pores. This skin is prone to acne and can look shiny. Dry skin lacks oils, has fine pores and is sometimes referred to as alipidic skin. Many people confuse dry skin with dehydrated skin. Dehydration is a lack of water, while dry skin has a lack of oil or sebum.

What people refer to as combination skin is skin that may be part oily and part dry. When deciphering skin type it is important to look at pore size and how much sebum is being produced by the skin. Sensitive skin is sometimes skin that has been sensitized by using too harsh or the wrong products for your skin.

When analyzing skin you need to touch the skin and look at the skin. Be sure to check the skin for pore size, tone and texture. How far out do the enlarged pores around the skin go out onto the cheek area? Check to see how the skin reacts to a light pinch. Elasticity will tell you a lot about the condition of the skin as well. See if the is skin dry or dehydrated. Make sure you can tell the difference. Is the skin oily with larger pores around the nose, or are they the normally large pores around the nose everybody has?

As we age dehydration becomes more complex. A client with oily skin may present with dehydration. It can be confusing when more than one situation presents itself. If you remember to check pore size, tone and texture it will help you narrow down the proper results. Healthy skin is balanced properly with water and lipids. You will come to recognize the difference immediately.

Ask yourself how the skin looks when the client first comes in and their make-up is still on. Is the make-up smooth or creased? Does the skin appear firm or saggy? Look at the color of the client’s skin, see if it is flushed or is it a healthy color. Check for comedones and see if there is a pattern.

It is crucially important to select the right products for the right client. Many clients are using the wrong product for their skin type. As a licensed professional, you will be able to guide them to proper skin care.

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