Sleep Smarter – Beat Insomnia

Millions of people suffer from insomnia on a regular basis but now there are new techniques to help even the most difficult cases of insomnia. Sleep is a necessity to function properly but many people are walking around in a daze from lack of a good night’s sleep. There are several causes linked to insomnia but no matter what the cause some 70 million people are suffering because of insomnia.

A good bed is very important to a decent night’s sleep. Some people prefer a soft bed while others prefer something firmer. New bed designs allow each person to adjust the mattress to the firmness they prefer. Pillows, texture of blankets and other factors all figure in to feeling comfortable enough to sleep well.

If you have an occasional night where you don’t sleep try not to think about it the next night. Don’t allow your mind to begin thinking along the lines of “what if I can’t sleep tonight either” since you can actually talk yourself into having another bad night. Instead, relax and try to clear your mind of any negative thoughts concerning sleep.

Insomnia can be linked to many different ailments so if you’re suffering from insomnia have a check-up to make sure that your health is not a contributing factor. Sleep apnea is one condition that can cause a person to have a night of unrest. It is also a very dangerous ailment that can lead to other serious problems. Sleep tests can be done to determine if you have apnea. Some signs of apnea are extremely loud snoring, breathing stopping for periods of time during the night, and extreme fatigue during the day.

Establish a set routine for bedtime. Take a hot bath, read for awhile or relax and enjoy your favorite music. Your body adjust to a time schedule for sleep if you hold it to the schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Sleeping in or napping during the day can rob you of your sleep at night.

Avoid sugary foods and caffeine close to bedtime. Caffeine can stay in the system for several hours making it difficult to fall asleep. Some people rely on alcoholic beverages to help them sleep but studies show that alcohol can interrupt a good night’s sleep, even if it does help you fall asleep faster. Stay away from sodas, cocoa, or candies before bed.

Exercise can help the body and mind be tired enough to sleep but it’s not a good idea to exercise right before bed. Exercising gets the heart pumping and the adrenaline rushing – not a good combination for sleep. Exercise any time during the day but not within a couple of hours before laying down to sleep.

If you find yourself having trouble sleeping, but only on occasion, consider keeping an over-the-counter sleep aid on your night stand. These medications are not for long-term use and can cause stomach and bowel problems when using for extended periods of time. And, after using them for several nights, you’ll likely find that they lose their effectiveness. A doctor can prescribe a mild sedative for those who consistently have trouble sleeping but these can become addictive and for this reason, are not ideal for long-term sleeping problems.

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