Small House Design: How to Save Money on Building Supplies

In my quest to downsize and begin saving money, I’m looking for ways to get rid of clutter and extra household items I no longer need, but I’m also looking for ways to save money on items I do need. Because I’m building a home in the most cost efficient way, I have to find methods to save money on house building supplies and often this is done through sales and using contractor’s coupons or manufacturer’s discounts.

If you are considering a home modification or a new house build, there is no doubt you understand the need to save money on this venture. To find savings on the supplies you need for your home construction, consider using the steps I’ve taken to keep my costs at a minimum.

Direct Savings from Manufacturers
Manufacturer websites are a goldmine of savings. While we typically go to the local retail stores for savings, I’ve found that if I work directly with a manufacturer, I can often find savings that are greater and even get some items for free. So, the first step in your venture to save money, you’ll need to make a list of all of the items you need and then begin researching manufacturers to determine if these companies are willing to provide a discount or offer up some free solutions.

Find Discounts Hidden Online
If reviewing the website of the manufacturer does not seem to be providing immediate information on savings, then the next step is to look for the company’s website sitemap. Typically, the sitemap is found under the website name plus the extension “sitemap.xml”. So, for example, if you are looking for the sitemap on’s website, you’ll search under “”. Once on this page, you can search for any links to pages within the site that may have coupons stored. These coupon pages may not be readily visible from the home page because they are pages that are affiliate links or links for specific people directed to the site. But, the sitemap will give you some guidance in how to find them.

Use Contractor Resources
After scouring the manufacturer’s website and looking through the website sitemaps, then next step in getting savings is to contact local stores. Home remodeling stores, contractor supply stores, and stores that are involved in real estate sales will also be able to connect you with savings through email lists and specials they receive. Also, try to hook up with a local contractor who may be willing to buy the supplies you need at a contractor’s discount, passing those savings on to you.

When building a tiny home, I’ve found there are many ways to save money and get myself on track to make the most inexpensive home I possibly can. If you are remodeling or building a home as well, consider these steps in finding discounts and you’ll often find that your best work will come with little out of pocket with high quality products.

University of Massachusetts: Getting Contractor Discounts

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