Smart Grocery Shopping for the Dieter

Go It Alone
Go shopping alone if you can. Kids and spouses have the best of intentions but if they are not dieting with you, they will throw things in your cart that you just don’t need in your home. A successful diet is more of a life change than just depriving yourself and should include the whole family, however this is often unrealistic. My quest for healthier living never stops my husband. He’s rail thin and can put away an entire package of Oreo’s in two days while his waist remains the same size. So if you will be eating differently from the rest of your family try shopping alone. Ask them to keep sweets and other treats out of your reach.
Make a List
Never go shopping without a detailed list. Do I hear groaning? Yes, I used to groan too. The ten or fifteen minutes it takes you to do this will benefit you greatly in the end. If you are following a specific diet plan your menus may be planned for you. This will save you a lot of time when composing your list. If you don’t have this luxury I promise it will get easier as you go along.
Eat First
Remember to eat before you go to the store. This is a big one! If you go shopping while you are hungry you are twice as likely to throw chips, chocolates and other sweets into your cart. A person who is not hungry is more likely to stick to their list.
Go Small
If your store offers grocery carts in two sizes choose the smaller one. You will have less room for that extra stuff that is not on your list. While you are shopping remember to buy smaller portions as well. Even the healthiest diet may fail because the portions are just too big.
Go Natural
Skip the processed food. The healthiest foods you can buy contain whole grains, have no added sugar and simple packaging. Look at the ingredients lists and if you don’t know what some of the ingredients could possibly be, skip it. If something contains “high fructose corn syrup” put it back on the shelf and walk away.
Stick to the Outside
Go around the perimeter of the store first. This is where you find not only the fruits and vegetables, but also the fresh meats and dairy products. You should do the majority of your shopping here. The inner aisles tend to hold snacks, sodas, cookies and other things you want to avoid. You can venture into the frozen section for ready-made meals but be sure to read labels on everything you pick up. Even if a package claims to be “low fat”, “low calorie” or “diet” you should still look at the label. Calories are often set by portion so be sure to see how many portions that particular meal contains.
Fresh Fruits and Veggies
The vegetable and fruit section is generally the first thing you see when you enter the store. Vegetables and fruits are very important for any healthy diet. Canned vegetables and fruits are good as long as they are not in heavy syrup and have no sugar added.
Breads and Cereals
Look for whole wheat breads and bread products. White bread is refined and will add calories to your daily intact. Be sure to read the labels on the loaves you choose. Some brown breads are not whole grain. Also consider pita bread or flatbread as a replacement for white bread. Cereals can be good for your diet as long as they are not laden with sugars. Also look for fiber. Fiber will fill you up fast and leave you feeling full longer.
Milk products are important to any diet. Look for 2% or skim milk. Cheese’s also come with a lower fat count and taste much better today then when they first came out. If you tried low-fat cheese in the past and couldn’t eat it, it might be worth another try.
Even if you aren’t on the Atkins Diet protein is still very important. Look for cuts of meat that have less fat. If you are having trouble finding steaks or pork chops without a lot of fat on them, remember you can trim the fat off on your own at home. Nuts and seeds are also a great source of protein. Seafood tends to be very low in fat and can aid you in weight loss. Just don’t reach for the breaded fish sticks; the breading adds many unwanted calories.
There are snacks you can enjoy in moderation. Air-popped popcorn is a good one. Pretzels are also very low in fat and calories. There are also low or fat free ice creams and cookies. Just remember to watch your serving size and don’t wander around this section of the store for too long.
Avoid Impulse Buying
Many stores place sweets at the end of the aisle to grab your attention. Yes, they look really good sitting there. Do your best to resist. They look much better sitting on that shelf than they will sitting on your hips!