Smoking Ban Issues in The USA

These people who know better for each of us than we know for ourselves have opened or rather closed a Pandora ‘s Box just to open another can of worms. As legal citizens, natural citizens and even resident aliens, the people of this nation live with guaranteed freedoms. If a person chooses, they may create a smoke free environment. If others choose to frequent or to not frequent this sort of environment the simple truth is that choice is guaranteed and available. By eliminating this choice, the more righteous voters of this community have dictated that everyone in the community must deal with certain issues that I am sure they never thought of doing.
Look at Lincoln streets; they are a mess. The sidewalks are littered with cigarette butts and other crowds related refuse. Recently large billboards have appeared around town touting the new smoke free Lincoln. Maybe someone will respond with billboards of dirty sidewalks and crammed gutters.
Similarly, it would also be interesting to take note of the more direct economic impact the ban has had upon the city. Cliff’s Smoke Shop and the Lodge tavern; long time Lincoln businesses, are gone. Are other businesses suffering? It might behoove these ever so righteous voters to speak with the many former employees of various bars, restaurants, keno palaces and other more smoking populated businesses whose jobs were eliminated because so many fewer people come through the various doors.
Another economic factor involved in this current situation could best be described as hypocrisy. Anyone who voted for this ban and attends events at the Devaney Center is a hypocrite. Anyone who attends the State Fair and voted for the ban is a hypocrite. Anyone who parks in the various garages downtown and voted for the ban is a hypocrite. Many more examples are available but the point remains that a great many things in this city was created using revenue from tobacco taxes.
In addition many other activities that generate revenue attract a large portion of the smoking population. Bars, restaurants, gambling places, sporting events and many more avenues of entertainment provide tax revenue to this city and were reduced by the ban. These places also purchase goods and services from other companies to do business. Now they purchase fewer goods and services and the effect is obvious.
On the other hand most smokers are still smoking, and now, they do it at home, in their cars, on the street, and in your face because they feel justified.
The self righteous can delude themselves into thinking they have done something positive for the community but they are wrong! Drunks still drive, Cell phones still cause accidents, Meth labs still blow up, and People still commit violence upon other people. However, little Johnny can go to a crowded bar and not have to worry about smoke in the air. Wait, Johnny can’t go into the bar it is for adults. I guess he will have to stand out on the sidewalk with the rest of us smokers.