Snakes on a Plane Sequel Already Planned

The sequel to Snakes on a Plane is tentatively titled Ants in My Pants. Now, before you laugh and think how much more dangerous snakes on a plane would be than ants in your pants, keep in mind that we are talking about fire ants. Ants in your pants would be bad enough, but these are fire ants. They bite. Now who’s not afraid?
Fire ants are definitely as dangerous as snakes, especially when they are in your pants.
Here’s the plot: FBI agent Neville Flynn accompanies Doctor Monica Pane to the Amazon where she is looking for the extract to a rare plant that can cure rug burn. Because the plant is in such demand, the doctor needs FBI protection. Unbeknownst to the Doctor, the FBI and the entire medical team, the plant only grows in fire ant beds. While the med team is setting up camp, a rival team has secretly sabotaged the first team’s belongings with pheremones to attract fire ants. The medical team wakes up to find…you guessed it..ants in their pants, and all hell breaks loose.
When Everyone for the Ethical Treament of Insets in Movies, also known as EETIM discovered that real fire ants would be used in some scenes, they protested the offices of New Line Cinema. New Line Cinema insists that no actual fire ants will be harmed because no fire ants will be used. They will be using the same CGI company that brought the snakes to life.
No word yet from Samuel L. Jackson’s camp on whether or not he’ll do the sequel. The rumor mill has spouted off other potential contenders for the lead, including Tom Cruise, Jay Mohr and Jackie Chan.