Snoring…..How To Help Everyone Get a Good Night Sleep

Snoring actually affects my husband’s sleep more than one would think. The poor man has endured being kicked, hit, yelled at or woken up by me on a weekly basis. I ask him to turn over, tell him to stop snoring, or just vent to him about the God-awful noise coming from his mouth. He has even resigned himself to sleeping on our couch at times. The worst part about that is, he can still keep me awake even sleeping down the hall! The man has a serious snoring problem!
So, what can be done to alleviate this problem and help both my husband and me to get a decent night sleep? There are many at home remedies to help either control snoring or help lessen the frequency of snoring.
Changing Your Lifestyle: Over eating, too much caffeine, and not enough exercise can lead to snoring. So, if you are overweight, the chances are you may snore. Losing weight can lessen snoring, maybe even alleviating it altogether. Cutting back on caffeine consumption can improve how loud or much you snore also. Some simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference.
Throat Sprays: Buying a simple over-the-counter throat spray can help lessen snoring also. A simple spray can help air move more easily through the throat, thus lessening the snoring of an individual.
Nasal Strips or Sprays: Everyone has seen them, an over-the-counter product that is readily available at local drug stores and discount stores. Nasal strips are adhesive strips that you place on your nose at bedtime. The strips help to open up your nasal passages, thus allowing air to move more freely through. Nasal sprays are squirted into your nose before bed. The spray can help reduce congestion or reduce swelling of your nasal passages, thus helping you to snore less.
Sleep Position: Simply changing the position of your sleep can help reduce snoring. People snore more when they are flat on their backs. Sleeping on your side, or your stomach, can help reduce snoring. Elevating your head can also improve snoring. Try doubling up your pillows and not sleeping on a completely flat surface.
Snoring can be a sign of serious problems, such as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure, and even worse, heart attack or stroke. If your snoring doesn’t improve, or go away with home treatments, please see your doctor.
Snoring is a pain. It can interrupt not only the person doing the snoring from sleeping, but it also disrupts your loved one from sleeping. Trying a few at home remedies may do the trick to help you and your family get a better night of rest!