Snowstorm Readiness

It’s nearing Thanksgiving, and here in Mid-Michigan, it’s a warm 55 degrees outside today. Despite that, snow is inevitable, and I am ready for a crippling snowstorm.

My snow shovel is in place by the front door. Don’t get a cheap one that will break easily; you will just regret that later. I also have a covered bucket of snow melt by the door, within reach.

Plenty of distilled water and food that is ready to eat is essential. You need about a gallon per day for each person in your home in case the power is out and you have a pump, not city water. You also need this if something happens to compromise the safety of your water. You need food that can be eaten without cooking or heating. Granola bars are good, as are cans of fruit, and peanut butter and bread, and pork and beans. Cans of tuna and other cans of cooked meat will help you survive a long power outage.

Having a generator or alternate SAFE heat source is necessary for your health and so your water lines don’t freeze and burst. I had a gas fireplace installed; it has a battery operated remote for turning it on and off. I have friends who bought a whole house generator that keeps their house running. They can be hooked to your gas line or propane tank. They are pricey, but they automatically come on when your power goes out. Extra blankets are good to have on hand for keeping warm.

For emergency lighting, I don’t recommend candles. They are fire hazards, especially in a home with pets and children to knock them over. If you visit your local home building store, you can find battery run lanterns. I have several. These also make great Christmas presents for friends and family.

Three last things you need to have: a radio that runs on batteries, so you can keep abreast of emergency broadcasts; a good supply of batteries that fit the radio and your lanterns; an old fashioned phone line and corded phone that works for emergencies. You can always dial 911 on these, even if you don’t have service. Cell phones without a charge are no good.

A snow blower is good, but I opted for a snow removal service. That was the best option for me. Be safe, and be smart. You never know what weather is coming your way in the winter.

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