So Fresh and so Clean – Ultra Dawn

I’m a stay at home mother with a young child, and we live with family, so there are always plenty of opportunities to use Ultra Dawn. From the first dish in the load down to the very last, the cleaning power remains. Grease is virtually eliminated, even from the greasiest frying pans. The water doesn’t get greasy either; the Dawn just kills the grease, so everything is superbly clean. It does a fantastic job on glasses too. The Ultra Dawn leaves them clean, streak-free, and no spots of leftover residue from the water. I typically do more than one load of dishes at a time, and I can use the same water for all the loads, since the Dawn keeps working until the job is done.
Ultra Dawn is also fabulous for dirty hands. The men in my family are great when it comes to repairs, but often not so great when cleaning up. I convinced my husband to wash up with Dawn after a repair session a few years ago, and it’s never ceased to amaze me just how clean it gets his hands. Just a dab, a little bit of water and some vigorous scrubbing, and you’d never know he picked up a wrench at all. It eliminates dirt, oils, lubricants, even heavy gear greases are virtually nonexistent after a few seconds of scrubbing with the Ultra Dawn. It’s a product that you’d never think about normally for a shop or garage, but after a long day of hard work in the shop or garage, Ultra Dawn washes it all away.
I must say that I tend to purchase the Antibacterial variety. Since I do have a young child, cleaning and disinfecting is one of my top priorities. The antibacterial agents in the Ultra Dawn give me extra piece of mind, since I know that even with raw meats, the harmful bacteria will be eliminated.
Keeping my family safe and happy is my top priority. Ultra Dawn makes my hectic days that much easier, knowing that this one product cleans and sanitizes as well as it does. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for the best multipurpose dish detergent available on the market today.