So You Want to Relocate

So, you want to relocate. That’s great, but you need to have a plan before you head out for parts unknown. This article will give you the tools you need to chart your route to the new place to lay your head.

Moolah to make the move

Money! Love it or hate it, we need it. Save up some bucks to help you out during you move to your dream spot. A decent amount to save would be $1000 to cover rent, moving expenses, etc. Less is probably okay, depending on the situation.

The Basics

When relocating, you need to make sure that your basic essentials are met before you even begin packing a box. The most important things to lock down before you make the move are employment and housing. Employment is what pays the bills and housing is where you’ll hang out your hat. These two variables will make or break you move.

So, which do you need to lock down first? If you find a job without an apartment, where will you live? If you find an apartment without a job, how will you pay for it? What do you look for first? The answer is simple: Do both at the same time. Best case scenario is that you are working wherever you are currently living and have a bit of a nest egg to assist your move.

Parts unknown sort of

Since we have first things first, we now need to know where we want to go. DC? Philly? That’s all great, but you can just hop in a car and go. Research the neighborhoods in your area. Is their public transportation? Is crime high? How’s the night life? These are important things to consider if you are going to relocate.

Internet is a great way to get a sneak peak of potential locations. Search through blogs of people that live in those areas as well. And never neglect word of mouth. If you know someone that’s been where you want to go, ask them about it.

Don’t take it all with you

Take this time to get rid of what you don’t need. You may want to connect a spiritual meaning to this spring cleaning, but the reality is it will save you money in the long run. Make sure to take your essentials (valuables, clothes, personal papers, etc.). Don’t be afraid to give stuff away, either. If you haven’t worn it in two years, chances are you won’t wear it again.

Now you are well on your way to changing zip codes. Have fun!

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