Society and Women’s Sexuality

A man wants to have sex with a beautiful, sexy woman who knows how to please him sexually. Some women think they can never be that woman that they aren’t beautiful enough or sexy enough, or else they are afraid of the stigma society puts on a woman like that. Society puts down women that are overtly sexual even though deep down most men want a woman like that and somewhere inside, most women want to be like that woman. Yet those women are still labeled as whores, sluts, tramps, harlots, etc while men who are openly sexual are studs and such, they are praised for their sexual conquests while women are scolded. “Good women” are supposed to tame the bad boys after they have sowed their wild oats with “loose women”. The men settle down with the good girls while the others aren’t considered good enough to marry and be mothers. Yet, these men often go back to the other women, leave those wives and mothers or at the least cheat on them with the “other women”. Society does not let the mother/wife be that sexy woman so she ends up losing her man to the “other women”.

Women should be able to be openly sexual without fear of repercussions. A man’s sexuality is never challenged or brought up in court or in regards to his moral character (unless he’s gay). While if a woman is raped, abused, or attacked- how she acts, what she was wearing and her past sexuality is brought up, which should have no bearing what so ever on anything. If I walk around in a low cut top and short skirt, that doesn’t give anyone the right to have sex with me and I’m not asking for “it” or anything else. A woman’s sexuality is also brought up in custody battles. So what if she has a boyfriend or 10, I’ve never heard anyone be judgmental or even bring up how many women the father is sleeping with after the couple separates (even if infidelity is why the couple split to begin with). A woman should be able to walk around naked if she wanted to without fear of being raped or fear that people will say she was asking for “it”.

What kind of society do we live in that a woman is punished for what she wears and how she looks while a man is not punished for what he does. I think men should be held accountable for their animalistic urges. Maybe something should be done to keep men in check. If a man can’t control himself just because a woman is dressed provocatively then maybe he should be on medication or locked up. A man that can’t stop himself from sexually attacking a woman is a predator and we don’t need that in our society. Yet our society protects the nature of the beast. It is man’s nature to be sexually aggressive. It is overlooked that it is natural for a woman to be sexually attractive to attract the opposite sex while still having the right to choose who she mates with. This shows me that our society thinks women shouldn’t have a choice who they have sex with. I don’t care if a woman has slept with 5 or 50 men; she chose to sleep with them. If one man comes along and forces her to have sex against her will, it’s still rape.

Women should be able to openly express their sexuality, it is natural. Sex is natural. It is as natural for a woman to have sexual desires and urges as it is for men to. We are all born sexual creatures. A woman can be a sexual dynamo and still be a wonderful wife and mother, perhaps even a better wife and mother because the couple would be happier and stay together. They would both be satisfied and the man would be more likely to stay at home and not cheat on his wife. So a sexually open women would actually increase the whole “family values” stuff that conservative politicians are always harping about because it would increase the likely hood that a family would stay together, that the marriage would not end in divorce due to infidelity.

I’ve always believed in the old saying my mother taught me, “Men want a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom,” society and women themselves need to understand that one woman can be both. That being a sexual creature does not make us lesser a person; it does not make us horrible mothers or horrible wives. In the long run it would actually make us better. Women would be happier, more true to their nature and therefore happier and better at everything else in their lives. When momma’s happy, everyone’s happy. The men would also be happier and more satisfied at home and would more likely be better husbands and fathers.

Society needs to let women be the sexual creatures they are without fear and women need to get over the mindset that being sexy is being bad. Women have the right to enjoy sex and to be sexy. A woman can be a good wife and mother and still be the sexual goddess that men fantasize about. She can be all that and more.

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