Some Advice for Parents when Their Kids Go to College

It’s hard on parents when kids leave home for the first time to go to college especially if it in a new city.that you and your child are not familiar with at all. I am writing this guide to help ease your worries on how to help your kids survive in a new city during their college years .

First, get them a subway,library, bus and area city map. In some cities people drive less. In New York City some people don’t drive at all. It’s not necessary.

Other items you should consider getting them are calling cards (collect calls are too expensive) a larger cellular phone plan, a first aid kit, condoms (you may not approve of them having sex but they will anyway), a quilt cover so their blanket won’t get as dirty, instructions on how to do laundry once the blanket gets dirty, a big bottle of aspirin to relieve the tension headaches, a small reading lamp so they have a small light for reading by their bed, extra ink and paper for their printer, and a date book for writing down all their important class information.

Third, find out where the area coffee bar, clothes stores, bookstore and supermarkets are located. Get them some gift cards that they can easily fill up or that you can easily sent to them. Kids with too much cash will spend it very easily on not what is necessary.

Speaking of clothes find out where the area thrift shops. Kids love to shop thrift. Kids can find more then clothes at these stores. Here they can buy for a cheap price dishes, pots,and pans and books and furniture cheaply also. It might not be a bad idea to look at these places for art or furniture for your kid’s dorms. Remind them when they buy to donate something too.

Speaking of donating their time encourage them to give some of their time to charity. Websites like, and list many volunteer opportunities that don’t require a long commitment. Also, this is a great way to help them explore career options. For example, if they volunteer at a hospital, then they can see if nursing is the right fit for them.

Get a listing of the locale libraries locations. Plus get them to go get a locale library card. In a library they can get more then books. They can use the computers or printers if the university library is too crowded, a second option if their computer or printer breaks down, a second good place to study, and for additional research sources. Some libraries specialize in certain topics. NYC has a business library that has many free classes on topics on how to learn to use new computer programs to how to start a small business.

Tell them where the farmers markets are. Fruits prices are reduced at the end of the day. Encourage them to eat healthy and maybe they won’t gain the freshmen 15 pounds. Give them some recipe tips and cookware so they can learn to cook and eat healthy with some good starting points.

Help and show how to balance their checking account. Talk to them about getting their first credit card and how avoid the need to charge everything. Remember the cash card tip. They should try to pay in cash for some things too. Teach now so their credit bill won’t be a surprise at the end of the month. They can even call the credit card company directly to find out their balance and when their billing cycle starts and finishes. They should save their receipts and check their bills for mistakes and this is another way to keep track of their total spending habits Also, if your child has a well-paying job encourage her to start paying off some of the interest on her student loan

Also, explain to them and encourage them to invest in a Roth Ira that will help them have a nest egg for the future. They can invest any money amount big or small up to $3,000 for the year. If they find a job, with a company that has a 401 plan, encourage them to invest in the company’s plan. There are many financial books out there for beginning investors that can break down financial terms for them. An early investor is a wise investor. Let them invest young when they can have a higher risk tolerance and can afford to lose some money. Again, don’t just send them cash.

Finally, have a heart to heart talk with them. Tell them some secrets. Tell them you were scared too when you were on your own for the first time but you survived. Tell them you love them and they can call you anytime they need you day or night.

All you can give your kid is a guideline and hope they listen to your advice. They will make mistakes but there is part of the college and life experience. But maybe from this advice they may make less big mistakes and this will help put your mind at ease.

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