Some Easy Tips for Eco Home Improvements

Besides changing over to compact fluorescent lights another great lighting idea is to switch some of your home lighting over to solar lights. Most people assume that you can only use solar lighting outside for landscape lighting. But actually there are several models of solar lights which can be brought inside the house. One really low cost idea is to buy some hanging solar lights, let them charge by a window, and use them inside at night. Another more costly idea is to purchase a solar lighting package. These packages typically come with a solar panel which would go on your roof, and it also comes with an inverter and battery unit and lights. A small solar lighting system will cost in the four to six hundred dollar range. And for that you can help to save money on your electric bill going forward.
Another great home improvement that you can make to go green is to replace some of your appliances with Energy Star rated models. Energy star rated appliances use an average of 10 to 50% less energy than standard appliance models. Some good targets for replacement or upgrade are; room air conditioners, clothes washer, clothes dryer, dishwasher. The money that you invest in the new unit will easy be paid back in energy savings, and knowledge that you are doing something good for the planet.
No matter what upgrade you chose to do, even a small change can make a big difference on your energy bills and our planet.