Some Reasons Why You Should Give Your Child Airborne Before They Go to School

School is back in session and along with that usually comes the cold season. Before long your child will be coming home with a runny or stuffy nose. But there is something than you can do to help protect them from some of these germs. That would be to give them half a tablet of Airborne in the morning before they go to school.
Of course there is no guarantee that airborne will prevent your child from getting a cold, but in my person use and experience with this product there are several reasons why you will definitely want to give this to your child. Following is a list of those reasons:
1. Helps to boost up your immune system. It contains a large amount of vitamin C that will help to give your child’s the immune system the extra boost that they need. If you take the time to read the label on your child’s regular Flintstone or Spongebob vitamins than you will see that the amount of vitamins they will be getting are about the same.
2. Orange Flavored. As any parent knows the better the flavor the easier it will be for your child to take it. My children actually enjoy the flavor and think that it is some kind of soft drink.
3. Designed by a school teacher to fight germs. Another thing that makes this a really great product is that it was designed by a school teacher who was tired of getting sick from catching her students colds.
4. Reasonable price. Considering what you get it is definitely worth the price that you pay. One box will cost you about five to six dollars. This is about the standard cost for most vitamins, and when you think about it cold medicines will cost you a lot more.
5. Easily dissolves in water. The fact that the tablet just dissolves in water makes it a lot easier for kids to drink down. Just make sure that you take the extra time to mix it thoroughly so that it is completely dissolved.
6. Helps stop colds before they get too bad. Of course by just reading the package there is no one hundred percent guarantee that it will quickly eliminate your cold. But one thing that many people will agree with is that when you do take it, your cold starts to clear up instead of getting worse. This is especially important when it comes to kids, since you do not want them to get sick and miss too much school.
7. All the ingredients are natural. Another thing that is really great about this product is that the ingredients are all natural. Nothing is chemical based which is an even greater reason for making sure that your child takes one daily.
The bottom line is that in the opinions of mothers everywhere it works. One thing that all moms have in common is that they want their children to be as healthy as possible especially during the course of the school year. If your child gets sick and is forced to miss a lot of school they will begin to fall behind. For most children this will only make their school year a lot more difficult to cope with. So in addition to making sure that your child eats a healthy breakfast every morning make sure that they also take their Airborne.