Song Contest Offers Something for Everyone

Los Angeles, CA – Goodnight Kiss Music is presenting a great opportunity for independent artists to earn royalties via their three-topic song and music competition. Musicians compete for an actual royalty-earning CD placement, TV ad/show placement, or Radio theme song, as well as more traditional music prizes. Royalty-paying cuts have always been difficult for indie artists to attain. Goodnight Kiss Music contests help the independent artists get beyond simply being another “contest winner” and into the world of an actual legitimate (paid) music use for their work.

The perfect “American Girl Song” is the first contest topic on their diverse list. They are looking for perfect G-rated songs for a nine-year-old girl who lives in the U.S. and will be recording next year. The idea is to provide wholesome songs about surfing, fun with friends and doing good works. The ultimate goal is to provide inspiring songs for the 9-10 year old age group. Almost every style of music is encouraged, with the exception of generally abrasive styles such as heavy metal or gangster rap. The winner of the contest will have provided the most appropriate positive song for a 9-10 year old girl to record on a CD. The songs should not be schmaltzy, and should have a little bit of pleasant humor, while taking a noble stance as opposed to being a “brat” song.

There is a composer portion, also, where instrumentals will be judged for a TV commercial and possible theme song for a new Spanish television show (LA based, PRO monitored), where hot Latin-influenced Sambas and other dance-type tracks are sought. This could be somewhat lucrative in regards to royalties for the right composer.

And finally, for every red, white, and blue Patriot, Goodnight Kiss is sponsoring a third phase of the contest to find a perfect radio theme song for the United We Roll World Tour Show, a U.S. troops support show that goes to 80 countries over internet and some land lines, which is also monitored. This winning songwriter will be paid a $500 publishing advance royalty, which is substantial when you look at the actual cash awards given by most music competitions. Some contests promise thousands of dollars in prizes, but few give actual U.S. cash dollars.

Goodnight Kiss is commended for having one free lyric entry offered to everyone.

Details and rules for each individual contest are on the Goodnight Kiss website. Songwriters and lyricists may enter one or all contests here

Janet Fisher
Goodnight Kiss Music
Address: 10153 1/2 Riverside Drive #239
Toluca Lake, CA 91602
Fax: (831) 465-1964
Tel: (831) 479-9993

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