Soul Mates

I’ve made an interesting discovery. Perhaps, more of an observation and “Ah-ha!” moment. We may all have more than one “soul mate” in our lives. We may, in fact, have many.

What is a “soul mate”?

A soul mate is someone with whom you discover a “connection”, a kind of interpersonal closeness. Someone with whom you feel particularly comfortable. Someone with whom you can talk openly and freely without concern of judgment or reprisal.
Someone with whom you are incredibly at ease, even in total silence.

Soul mates are found more frequently after one has been married or deeply committed to another individual. This is because we are no longer trying to impress someone with our over abundance of intelligence or skill. We return to just being “ourselves”.

And a true soul mate is not in competition with your spouse or “significant other”. They are a true friend, not a new bed time companion. Sex is for partner support and mutual renewal. It is not a confirmation factor of soul mates.

Soul mates just seem to find each other. They aren’t really out there looking, but find each other, just the same.

Soul mates come in all sizes, ages, colors and genders. There are no real restrictions or requirements. The discovery of a soul mate is a feeling in the heart, usually upon the first meeting. Kind of like “love at first sight”.

And love it is.

Soul mates do fall in love with each other, in a non-sexual way. They find an extraordinary respect and appreciation for one another in various aspects of life: talents, thoughts, dreams, ideals, and advice.

Soul mates are few and far between, and we need to remember that they are a special breed of intimate friend. They are not a “lover”.

Crossing the line, adding the dimension of sexuality, changes the relationship, and usually can not be reversed.

It is true that the best spouse/significant other relationships begin as soul mates. But don’t get caught up in the self-destructive trap of soul mate hopping for “greener grass”. It won’t happen and you will end up frustrated, unhappy, and your true soul mates will disappear. Your judgment will become clouded and it may be a long time before you discover another true soul mate.

“Allow” relationships to happen, naturally. Realize you can fall in love over and over again. But leave sexuality with your chosen spouse or significant other.

Enjoy the relationship being a soul mate has to offer. There can be intimacy of heart and mind without physical sexuality. Soul mates are a rare, wonderful, fulfilling experience. Treasure and protect these unique relationships!

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