South Carolina Hunting Information

There are as many place to hunt in South Carolina as there are wild game. The laws, regulations, licensing costs, dates, tags can all be found at, which is the Department of Natural Resources for South Carolina. It has good information on everything a hunter would need to be prepared, safe, and to be legal such as:
Using Adequate Weapons Makes for a Clean Harvest
Large game hunters are required in some counties to use a certain caliber weapon to make sure there is recovery of the game. Other counties don’t have this requirement but still ask for the same consideration and respect for the hunted. The DNR website has these guidelines listed by area.
Controlled Hunts
There are controlled hunts on government owned land held annually. Some of these are for deer and feral hogs and turkeys. Preparation for this kind of hunt involves a wildlife count and how uncontrolled growth creates problems for the habitat and for humans. Especially with traffic accidents.
Hunting for Youth and Mobility Impaired
There are several places that have special hunts for youth and for folks who are confined to using wheelchairs or other mechanical help for movement. These hunts are well organized, safe and have volunteers that are well trained in the hunt. Also, there is a program for women who want to learn more about outdoor sports including hunting and fishing. They meet annually and I hear they have a Hawaiian trip coming up! They also have weekend workshops in Clemson, South Carolina.
How to Buy Anterless Deer Tags
To avoid a $3.95 surcharge, you can buy tags at these regional DNR offices: Charleston, Columbia, Clemson, Florence.
There is Deer Project supervisor who can give more information on this and other items of interest. The phone number is
Venison is not Legal to Sell in South Carolina
With one exeption. Restaurants are allowed to have farm raised venison on the menu. There are deer parts that are legal to sell and they are: the hides, shed antlers, antlers removed from the pedicel.
Baiting Game or Not Baiting Game
Turkey, dove, and waterfowl should not be baited. Deer can be legally baited but should not be harvested while eating the bait. It’s too easy and not respectful of the creature or of the sport. See for more information.
Identifing Waterfowl
The DNR website has a section that teaches how to recognize different species of ducks, geese, and swans helping one learn which are safe to harvest and which are legally protected.