Southern Indiana Solutions for the First Date Dilemma

There is nothing more stressful than going out on your first date. What to wear, what to say, how to act, and most importantly�where to go.
When you find yourself ready to plan the first date with that new special someone, don’t be afraid to step outside the box to show them a little more of yourself. In order to really get things off on the right foot, it’s important to be original, but most importantly, be you. Consider these options before you decide to make your next dinner reservation; it just might be something that sets the stage for a long lasting relationship.
Instead of the traditional “dinner and a movie”, try “dinner and a show”. Derby Dinner Playhouse, located on 525 Marriott Drive, in Clarksville, Indiana is the perfect spot for the quiet couple that’s just looking for an entertaining night out. The menu is always packed with a variety of delicious options, and the live performances are sure to give you and your new date something to chat about at the end of the evening. Don’t forget to splurge for dessert after dinner. For more information and for show schedules, go to
Go natural. If you’re looking for something a bit more casual, how about a trek for two along the fossil beds at the Falls of the Ohio State Park. The gorgeous outdoor setting along the Ohio River gives plenty of opportunity to chit chat as you walk along the riverbeds in search of ancient fossils. The Interpretive Center hours are Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. This makes the perfect option for the less formal first date scenario. For more information check out
Take a trip to the country. For a truly special first date, try a trip to Huber’s Orchard and Winery located in Starlight, Indiana. After just a short drive you’ll be transported away from your normal hectic lives and be able to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the country air. Huber’s offers a wide variety of things to impress your special someone, from a petting zoo and duck pond to the wine shop and cafÃ?©, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to spend quality time just getting to know one another. To help plan your country adventure, check out
Share a picnic in the park. Although it might appear to be a clichÃ?©, there are fewer things that lend to a budding romance than spending a beautiful day at your local park. Don’t forget to plan ahead and pack a lunch for the two of you to share sitting under a tree or lounging by the lake. Although as a hint, skip the bologna and go for something with a little more flair. Your local deli is the best place to prepare a ready-made lunch to go for you and your date.
Take advantage of local events. There’s always something interesting going on right underneath of your nose. Don’t forget to check your local paper, or go to for a full calendar of events going on in the Southern Indiana area.
Your first date should be an adventure that the two of you can share, something that will spark conversation and something that show your date a side of you that they might not otherwise get the opportunity to see. With a little careful planning, your first date is sure to be one that the two of you will remember for quite a while to come.

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