Spend Your Spring Break Skiing or Snowboarding in Canada

Each year thousands of students eagerly spread out across the country and indeed the world for Spring Break, heading for new destinations and new experiences. But instead of taking that flight south to the tropics why not consider going North to Canada and the exciting experience of staying at one of Northern Ontario’s famous ski resorts? Whether you’re an experienced skier or a novice these resorts offer a great change from the usual vacation spots for Spring Break and might just give you a love for the Great White North!

Let’s start with flying into Toronto, one of the world’s most multicultural cities. Here you can find easy transportation to Northern Ontario and many Spring Break specials offered by hotels, resorts and the bus lines. You can also rent your own car and head on up via the major highways leading into the snow belt and a great winter experience. Just remember to pack enough winter gear or be prepared to open your wallet for some great sales that are sure to be had during Spring Break!

Our tour of great ski resorts for Spring Break starts just an hour and a half drive from Toronto at Blue Mountain. Blue Mountain happens to be Ontario’s largest ski resort, open year-round and featuring some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the entire province. Thirty-four trails are ready and willing to give you the ride of your life, whether you’re a beginner looking to learn about skiing or snowboarding or an experienced hotdogger looking for double black diamond runs to get your heart pounding and your blood racing! What a great way to spend Spring break!

But this resort hasn’t been here for over sixty years without learning a few new tricks along the way. When you’re tired of hitting the slopes you can visit the Spa for a little relaxation or the nightclubs for a different type of Spring Break fun – or even go shopping for souvenirs to help remember this great trip! And with accomodations ranging from private lodges to condominiums to staying in the Blue Mountain inn, you can make any Spring Break budget fit in here!

If you’re looking to stay closer to Toronto and perhaps commute every day to your Spring Break destination, let’s consider Horseshow Resort! With travel time of just under an hour, depending on weather, you can be skiing all day and spending your evenings in the Toronto nightclubs!

This resort has something for everyone – if you’re a crosscountry skier you can enjoy over twenty miles of well-groomed trails, not to mention special lantern-lit night trails for something just a bit different. The alpine skier will be racing up and down over twenty runs that will challenge everyone from the novice to the expert, while those seeking a little less excitement can even try out snowshoeing for the first time! And if you happen to be bringing the entire family out for Spring Break, why not duck on over to the Thunder Valley tube park and get everyone on a huge snow tube for an exciting run down one of their slopes?

And, of course, lessons are available for everyone from the nervous beginner just learning to stand up on a pair of skis to the expert seeking to improve his or her technique just that much more. Accomodations are available at the resort for those who wish to stay close to the action and maybe take in some of the evening events that are part of each and every Spring Break.

The last of our three Spring Break ski resorts is Talisman Mountain resort, set not too far away from Toronto in the Collingwood area. For over forty years this resort has been open year-round for conferences, weddings and of course offering some of the best skiing in the area!

If you’re looking for a ski challenge for your Spring Break, consider Talisman one of your first stops. With major snowmaking equipment this resort almost guarantees excellent ski conditions as well as a 600′ vertical drop, challenging you to put your skills to the test. But it’s not only for expert skiers; Talisman is also a great place to have fun and enjoy the great outdoors.

Seven ski lifts and eighteen ski runs with varying degrees of difficulty make this a great stop for the skier or snow enthusiast seeking fun and entertainment for their Spring Break. And for those looking to perhaps try out skiing for the first time, lessons and tutorials are available from trained professionals who will send you home from Spring Break with the skills you need to continue enjoying the winter weather!

All these resorts offer special Spring Break packages that you can access either through their websites or by making a quick phone call – and don’t forget the exchange rate from your currency into Canadian dollars!

Spring Break doesn’t always have to be about the warm weather, the hot sand and cool refreshing tropical drinks. It can be the brisk winter air rushing by you as you race down the slopes to get to a hot chocolate drink and enjoying the crisp midnight walks around your lodge. Why not think about going North for your Spring Break and doing something just a bit different than the rest of your friends and experience the ski resorts of Northern Ontario in Canada? Who knows, you may not only start a trend you might also make more friends than you can imagine!

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