Sport Fun Bouncing Ball

We are all pool people in our family. There isn’t a week that goes by when we don’t go to the pool (weather permitting). My daughter has a plethora of toys that she loves to take with her to the pool, but I recently realized that she did not have even one ball. Originally, we were just going to by a few standard sized beach balls to toss around. My husband however (being a big kid at heart), decided one day to come home with what has to be the biggest ball I have ever seen. For 25.99, this super ball called Sport Fun Big Bouncing Ball , was well worth it.

Sport Fun Big Bouncing Ball

Sport Fun Big Bouncing Ball is a huge inflatable ball that measures a whopping fifty inches. These rubber balls come in a variety of colors (my husband found ours at a sporting goods store), but he chose a blue one (his favorite color). To inflate the ball, a hand or an electric pump is required yet is not included with the ball. Included however, is a pump adapter that is placed into the ball. After the adapter is in place, you can begin inflate the ball with your choice of pump. I suggest using an electrical pump for this. The hand pumps would seem to be quite a task since it takes a lot of air to fill this big boy up. It took us approximately fifteen minutes to pump the ball up with an electric pump. Once the ball is filled, there is a plastic plug that is used for plugging up the inflation hole.

Experiences with Sport Fun’s Big Bouncing Ball

Once the ball was inflated, I was not prepared as to how big this ball actually would be. To me, it looked like a heck of a lot bigger than fifty inches. Even though this was intended to be basically a pool toy, I could tell right away that a lot of fun could be had with the new ball. To start off, we let our daughter play with the ball in the back yard with friends. After we finally toted the ball to the yard, we let my daughter and friends have some fun. My daughter was totally amazed by the ball. It is super bouncy if bounced right, and the children had the ball flying in the air in no time. Then three of them decided to jump on the ball. This was a weak attempt since many of them are not even close to fifty inches yet. They finally climbed on the ball with the help of my daughter’s play ladder. There was lots of giggles and laughs as the children basically had a new piece of lawn furniture that they could bounce on like a trampoline.

After seeing the kids have so much fun, I decided to join in on the fun. After recruiting my husband and a neighbor that was over, we all went to play with the huge ball like grown kids. My husband had/has a blast giving the ball a drop kick like a football. Even though the super ball is heavier than a football (around eight pounds), it goes a long way when kicked and ends with lots of bouncing. This ball is super fun. We adults had fun not only throwing it around ourself, but also jumping on it too. I don’t know where the idea came from, but us adults tried to bounce on the ball as well. The ball is super sturdy and being made of thick rubber, it held us well. The ball has also been used at the pool under supervision and it proves to be just as fun in the pool as well as out. Water volleyball has taken on a whole new meaning while playing with this ball. My daughter has also taken to sitting on the ball while watching television and even a few times falling asleep on it.

Final Recommendation

Sport Fun’s Big Bouncing Ball is anything but dull. I haven’t had this much fun with a toy myself since I was a kid. My daughter absolutely loves the ball, and plays with it daily. My husband loves to play with. Neighbors have actually bought one or two for themselves. There is nothing negative at all I can say about this product. The blue color of the ball has not faded at all, even though it has been the in the pool and in the sun for days on end. Therefore, I recommend Sport Fun’s Big Bouncing Ball 100%.

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