Spraying, Chewing, and Clawing; Correcting Bad Behavior in Cats

What can a cat owner do when a cat that was once a good mannered respectable family member starts behaving badly? How does a cat owner go about stopping a cat from destroying their property? There are a number of ways to correct and deter bad behavior in cats, and these methods to correct bad behavior are proven to work.
The following information will help you correct bad habits and bad behavior, and your cat will once again become a welcome family member. Don’t get rid of your cat because of bad behavior. Give your cat a cattitude adjustment, and correct his bad behavior before you consider kicking him out of his once happy home.
Stop the Spraying
One of the worst habits a cat can embark upon is spraying, and male cats that haven’t been neutered are more likely than females to begin spraying furniture and other areas within the home. Male cats that haven’t been neutered mark their territory by spraying here, there, and everywhere. If your male cat hasn’t been neutered, consider making a vet appointment for this simple procedure. Chances are, once your cat is neutered, he will lose the urge to spray, and you will have done your part to help control the pet population.
If your cat is female, or if your male cat is neutered, a bladder infection could be to blame for spraying outside the litter box. A bladder infection is extremely painful, and a cat with a bladder infection associates the litter box with pain. A cat with a bladder infection will begin urinating in clothes baskets, on bedding, and every place other than the litter box. If your cat has begun urinating outside the litter box for no apparent reason, take your cat to the vet for a urine test. Excessive crystallization indicates a bladder infection, and a bladder infection can easily be treated with medication.
Once your cat has sprayed furniture, carpeting, and other areas of your home, the odor is very hard to get rid of. Although the odor of cat urine is hard to remove, it isn’t impossible to remove. Pet stores sell effective products that don’t just cover up the odor. These products eliminate the odor, and getting rid of urine odors is the key to stopping a cat from returning to spray the same spots.
Don’t Eat the Live Daisies
Cats naturally have the desire to eat greens, and cats aren’t always finicky when it comes to the greens they eat. Cats sometimes sample houseplants. Chewing on indoor plants not only destroys the plants, but your cat can become deathly ill if the plants are poisonous. Keep your cat away from your houseplants by placing orange, lemon, or grapefruit rinds on top of the soil. Cats are generally repelled by the smell of citrus.
Don’t Eat the Dried Daisies
Your cat might not like a particular brand of cat food, but the same cat that won’t eat certain brands of cat food might try nibbling on your dried flower arrangement. You can easily put an end to your cat chewing on dried flowers by spraying them with hair spray. Cats don’t like the taste of hair spray, and the hair spray alone might be enough to end a case of the midnight munchies. If hair spray alone won’t deter him from chewing on your dried flowers, sprinkle them with white pepper before the hair spray dries. Your cat won’t come back for seconds!
Furniture Clawing
If your cat hasn’t been declawed, your furniture is probably used as a scratching post. Provide your cat with a scratching post, and encourage your cat to use it by rubbing it with catnip. Each time you catch your cat clawing furniture, take the cat to the scratching post. Eventually the cat will learn where it’s acceptable to sharpen his claws.
If your cat keeps returning to the same spot to sharpen his claws, consider using training spray to keep him away. Cats can’t stand the scent, and they’ll avoid areas that have been sprayed. If you don’t want to spray your furniture, simply spray a cloth and place it close to specific locations to keep your cat from continuing the destructive habit of clawing.