Spraypainting Tips

Spray painting will always start some discussion. Some people swear by it, while others will just cuss and argue about using a pressurized paint can or a spray gun and rig.

One thing is certain, spray painting is the least time consuming way to apply stain, paint, or other finishes. If done correctly and patiently, spraying on a finish will give the professional look of a roller or a brush that is hard to beat.

As with anything, spray paint does have its pros and cons. One drawback is that it will eat up a lot more product than using a roller or a brush. Another is that spraying can be quite messy. Overspray can be a real problem and impractical in certain situations like a finished room. Some neighborhood communities have even banned spray painting outside because they don’t want their car to end up the same color as your house.

If you do decide to spray paint inside make sure that you have plenty of ventilation. Open all the nearby windows and turn on any exhaust fans that may be around. Never work inside without a painter’s mask to keep the airborne paint particles out of your nose and throat. If you are painting outside then ventilation is not as much of a problem, but you should wear a mask anyway.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when spray painting.

The surfaces that you are painting should prepared in the same fashion as if rolling or brushing on the paint.

Cover anything and everything that you do not want covered in paint, and cover it well. Lots of newspaper and masking tape for small areas, and drop clothes sealed at the edges with masking tape for larger areas.

Solvent is very flammable. so when spraying with solvent thinned paint make certain that there are no open flames in your area for the evaporated solvent to catch.

When you are spray painting outside, try to do it on a calm day, never a windy one.

If you are using a spray gun and painting rig, the paint has to be specially prepared. If the paint is to thick it will clog the spray gun in a hurry. If the paint is too thin then the surface will have runs. Even if the paint mixture is correct, you should still have a paint brush ready to catch drips and runs.

When painting a fence you will need a helper or two holding a wide drop cloth behind it. Disposable one-time-use drop clothes are very inexpensive.

Don’t spray anything that attaches to a building such as trim, guttering or siding material unless that area of the building is completely covered. Think about the roof and the foundation.

In the case of windows you are better off painting with a brush. The same goes for door trim, storm windows and basement sashes. When painting a screen though, spray guns are great.

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