Spring Cleaning Checklist for Your House

When I think of spring cleaning, I think of cleaning those places that do not get cleaned on a regular basis, such as baseboards, kitchen cabinets, closets, dresser drawers. Things seem to accumulate over the winter months, and spring is the perfect time to get rid of those things we do not want or use.
I have a process for my spring cleaning. I take one week and each day I pick a room to concentrate on. I make a check list of what I want to accomplish in each room as part of my spring cleaning. Following is part of a typical checklist:
Clean out and organize kitchen cabinets, putting fresh cabinet paper down
Clean out and organize kitchen drawers
Wipe down cabinets with oil soap
Wash windows
Wipe baseboards down
Check corners for cobwebs
Clean oven
Wash curtains
Living Room
Clean upholstery
Clean carpet
Wipe baseboards down
Check corners for cobwebs
Wash windows
Clean drapes
As you can see, these are not things that are usually included in your everyday cleaning. Your checklist may differ depending on the layout of your house, etc. Some rooms may take more than one day, and that is fine. Just be sure to complete one room before moving to another. This motivates you to keep going when you can see how great your finished room looks and feels.
One of the best tips I have discovered in cleaning is to keep it simple. It is not necessary to have a different cleaner for every single job. This will actually discourage you from cleaning as often as you should. Find a general purpose cleaner that you like and use that for most of your cleaning jobs. Or you can make your own cleaner with 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water. This makes an awesome cleaner, but some people prefer something with a bit more scent. My favorite cleaner is Original Scent Pine Sol, because it has such a clean smell to it. It was also what my mother used to clean with so I’m sure it takes me back to my childhood.
A special tool that I have discovered in cleaning is a lambs wool duster. Since I discovered it, it is a cleaning tool that I simply can’t do without. It is coated with a natural oil that does an excellent job at picking up dust. After each use, simply put a bit of dish detergent and water on it…work it through, rinse, and let air dry. Doing this will reactivate the natural oils in the duster so that it is ready for use the next time. I no longer use furniture polish…for furniture polish actually attracts more dust after you have applied it to the surface of whatever it is you are dusting.
Another tip for spring cleaning is to organize and get rid of unwanted items. I always get three boxes or bags and label them: trash, give-away, storage. In going through closets, drawers, or the garage, don’t hesitate to get rid of things you no longer use. The old rule says that if you haven’t used it in the past year, you never will. Get rid of it.
These are the major things that I do when spring cleaning. Hopefully some of these tips will be helpful to you, and better yet…perhaps you will come up with some of your own.
Happy cleaning!