Spring Cleaning Tips for Busy People

ABC News reports that Americans are overworked and stressed out. Jobs are more demanding than in the past allowing for less vacation. How does this new reality effect home? People like you – and me – struggle to maintain a clean environment.

Don’t let a jam-packed schedule force you to live in a mess. Use these spring cleaning tips for busy people to spruce up your place. They are ones I personally know work to make a grimy place shine.

Supplies and Tools

  • Broom
  • Paper towels
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Box of large trash bags
  • Spray bottle of 409
  • Pledge multi surface wipes

Step 1. Bag up excess.

With a large trash bag quickly walk through every room of your house/apartment bagging items you want to throw away. Employ the 6-month rule. Bag items unused for this period of time without a thought. You don’t need them.

Step 2. Swipe and shine.
Take your Pledge Multi Surface Wipes and polish furniture throughout your home. You also want to carry a trash bag along in order to toss your wipes and other passe/damaged goods (old paperwork, tacky holiday decorations, and leaky pens).

Step 3. Vacuum rugs and sweep.
Vacuuming always makes a room look better? Pull out this equipment and go over your rugs. Be sure to adjust the settings to fit the rug. You can take the floor coverings in your kitchen and bathroom outside and shake them. Sweep the floor in these areas before laying them down again.

Step 4. Sanitize kitchen/bathroom with 409.
With 409 bottle in hand, spray the counters and wipe them down using a paper towel. Then, tackle your stove, refrigerator, toilet and tub. Since these four typically get stains, let your 409 settle for at least 5 minutes. Wipe afterward with a paper towel.

Step 5. Repeat the process, if necessary.
Steps 1 through step 4 aren’t meant to take all day, only a Saturday afternoon. Therefore, if you want a deeper clean, repeat the process. Just be sure to do these steps within seven day when you are still enthusiastic about spring cleaning.

These spring cleaning tips for busy people help cut back on the amount of time you take sprucing up your home. You can complete this process in a few hours versus a weekend or more.

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning
Money-saving Spring Cleaning Tips
Spring Cleaning Checklist for Pets

ABC News

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