Spruce Up Your Kitchen with Tile

For more than a year after I bought my home, I put off decorating the kitchen. I spent hours working on the bedroom, living room, dining room and bathrooms, but I couldn’t get motivated about the kitchen and breakfast area. This mostly stemmed from the fact that I didn’t know what on earth I could do to make my kitchen more attractive, so I satisfied myself with a fresh coat of white paint and put the project aside.

Now, not six months after I finally was inspired to redecorate my kitchen, I can’t imagine it any other way. I used to despise fixing dinner, and usually appeased my appetite with frozen entrees from the grocery store, but now I have no problem cooking elaborate meals. I love being in my kitchen, and I enjoy inviting friends over for dinner.

I have one word for anyone who has ever run across a similar problem: tile. Until I read about it in a magazine, I had no idea what different colored tiles could do to liven up a kitchen and to create a unique sense of personality. There are literally thousands of different types of tile just waiting to be exercised by you, so why not give it a try?

The most important thing about decorating with tile is to take your time. Since the material is so durable, you won’t want to change it for quite some time, so choose a pattern or color that you feel you can live with for many years. Also, if you plan to sell your house in the next ten years, try to choose tile that will not detract from the value of your house. Even if you like it, your potential buyer should either like it as well, or be able to replace it easily.


Obviously, you can choose a solid color tile for your countertops and floor, or perhaps you want to mix and match. There are tiles in all types of colors, both textured and smooth, from which to choose. Examine your kitchen and determine the look you want to create. If your cabinets are dark wood, then you might want to go with a dark colored tile to continue the theme. If you have white cabinets, a light, springy color might work best. Brightly lit kitchens work great for pastel tiles, while darker kitchens can be complimented by bold colors.

You can also find tiles that have borders for added depth, or with marble striations for an elegant touch. Marble tile will not show dirt as easily, while textured tiles mask pet hair and dander.


The size of the individual tiles will depend largely on the overall effect you intend to create. Smaller tiles make small spaces seem larger, while bigger tiles make the room seem more open. You may choose to go with a small tile on the countertops and a larger tile for the floors, giving dimension to your kitchen.


As many colored tiles as they are, patterns are even more numerous.

Geometric Shapes – You have seen these most often, because they are the most common. Kitchens are often covered with diamond patterns in a matte finish, or with three-dimensional textures. The geometric pattern can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish, though an intricate pattern covering floors or countertops may be overwhelming to the viewer.

Tile Mural – You may choose to have part of your tile in one color, with a section as a mural. Tile murals can be very elegant, often depicting floral or garden scenes. These work great on the wall above your stove, sink or breakfast table.

Border Tiles – If you are worried about creating too busy of an atmosphere, place border tile amidst solid color tiles. A wrap-around border that extends around the floor of your kitchen or around the tile on your countertop can be very pretty. Just be sure to plan for inconsistencies, such as furniture, cabinets or appliances.


The grout is the finishing touch to your tile, and is almost as important as the tile itself. It can accent an intricate tile, stand out from light-colored tile, or simply serve to blend with the floor or countertop. After the grout is in place, I recommend that you take the time to seal it with a sealant and applicator. It takes time to paint the sealant between every single tile, but it will be well worth it when the grout is stain-free in several years.


If you’ve ever eaten at a Chili’s restaurant, then you know what tile can do for an ordinary kitchen table. Using tile to cover your dining or breakfast table can be a beautiful accent for your kitchen or dining room, and adds a certain amount of personality as well. Depending on the color and shape of your current table, tile can serve to brighten the original wood and to create a pleasant atmosphere for dining. Added plus: tiled tabletops are very easy to clean when properly sealed.


With different colors, patterns and uses, there are also different types of tile itself. You might want to use expensive, durable ceramic or porcelain tile for floors or walls, while choosing natural stone tile for countertops and backsplashes. Consider what will be sitting on and potentially spilling on your tile before deciding on the appropriate application.

You should also consider the pattern of the tile when choosing an application. If the pattern is intricate or pronounced, ceramic tile works best. If it is a solic color or a basic geometric pattern, then natural stone will most certainly suffice.

Using tile as a home improvement technique will add style and eccentricity to your home. Let the tile fit your personality, and you’ll be happy in your kitchen for years to come.

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