Stamp Collecting for Children

You may not think so, but stamp collecting can be a lot of fun for kids. It happens to have a very educational side to it. There is a large number of tools that can be obtained at your local library. Most libraries have entire sections dedicated to stamp collection. But the one thing your young one will need to start is a book to hold all of his stamps as well as a magnifying glass. Some start by saving stamps from letters coming into their homes.
Many collectors find that the larger packets have the best stamps in them. In this way it is possible to obtain about 70 percent of world stamp issues. Some stamp collectors like to specialize in certain types of stamps, such as animal stamps, or war stamps. Plants, trees and flowers, as well as insects, have adorned stamps over the years. Bridges, dams, public buildings, besides rivers and mountains, have been used as stamp themes. Undeniably, through stamp collecting a wide range of topics can be followed up that are both educational and recreational.
The most popular stamps are those that are unusual or different. These are really the ones that will make your collection worth money. Collectors pay close attention to oddities. You could try doing some research online or at your local library to find out which stamps are the rarest and most unique. You should also be able to find out what makes stamps unique. This is a great hobby that you can do alongside your child. If you have more than one child you can get them all involved in this hobby. Not only will they have hours of fun, but they will be learning something.
To make it more interesting and educational you can look up the history of various stamps as they get them. This way not only will they be able to tell others what stamps they have, but they can tell you the history of the stamp as well. Another idea is to try and get your child to get his or her friends involved along with them. They can even make up their own stamp collecting club, where they can trade stamps. When it comes to stamp collecting the possibilities are really endless. Make sure that you take the time to learn along with your child. Here are some helpful websites to get you started:,,,, Start checking out some of these sites today, and remember to have fun.